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Horizontal and vertical movements of juvenile bluefin tuna (<i>Thunnus thynnus</i>), in relation to oceanographic conditions of the western North Atlantic, determined with ultrasonic telemetry
Brill, Richard, Molly Lutcavage, Greg Metzger, Peter Bushnell, Michael Arendt, Jon Lucy, Cheryl Watson, and David Foley
Differences in diet of Atlantic bluefin tuna (<i>Thunnus thynnus</i>) at five seasonal feeding grounds on the New England continental shelf
Chase, Bradford C.
Movement of American lobster (<i>Homarus americanus</i>) in the southwestern Gulf of St. Lawrence
Comeau, Michel, and Fernand Savoie
Shortspine thornyhead (<i>Sebastolobus alascanus</i>) abundance and habitat associations in the Gulf of Alaska
Else, Page, Lewis Haldorson, and Kenneth Krieger
Geographic and temporal patterns in size and maturity of the longfin inshore squid (<i>Loligo pealeii</i>) off the northeastern United States
Hatfield, Emma M.C., and Steven X. Cadrin
Age and size composition, growth rate, reproductive biology, and habitats of the West Australian dhufish (<i>Glaucosoma hebraicum</i>) and their relevance to the management of this species
Hesp, Sybrand A., Ian C. Potter, and Norman G. Hall
Longitudinal logbook survey designs for estimating recreational fishery catch, with application to ayu (<em>Plecoglossus altivelis</em>)
Kitada, Shuichi, and Kiyoshi Tezuka
Physiological ecology of juvenile chinook salmon (<i>Oncorhynchus tshawytscha</i>) at the southern end of their distribution, the San Francisco Estuary and Gulf of the Farallones, California
MacFarlane, R. Bruce, and Elizabeth C. Norton
Bottlenose dolphin (<i>Tursiops truncatus</i>) strandings in South Carolina, 1992.1996
McFee, Wayne E., and Sally R. Hopkins-Murphy
Validated age and growth of the porbeagle shark (<i>Lamna nasus</i>) in the western North Atlantic Ocean
Natanson, Lisa J., Joseph J. Mello, and Steven E. Campana
Food habits and consumption rates of common dolphinfish (<i>Coryphaena hippurus</i>) in the eastern Pacific Ocean
Olson, Robert J., and Felipe Galván-Magaña
Recruitment season, size, and age of young American eels (<i>Anguilla rostrata</i>) entering an estuary near Beaufort, North Carolina
Powles, Perce M., and Stanley M. Warlen
Changes over time in the spatial distribution of walleye pollock (<i>Theragra chalcogramma</i>) in the Gulf of Alaska, 1984-1996
Shima, Michiyo, Anne Babcock Hollowed, and Glenn R. VanBlaricom
Movements of bocaccio (<i>Sebastes paucispinis</i>) and greenspotted (<i>S. chlorostictus</i>) rockfishes in a Monterey submarine canyon: implications for the design of marine reserves
Starr, Richard M., John N. Heine, Jason M. Felton, and Gregor M. Cailliet
Efficiency of bycatch reduction devices in small otter trawls used in the Florida shrimp fishery
Steele, Philip, Theresa M. Bert, Kristine H. Johnston, and Sandra Levett
Severe decline in abundance of the red porgy (<i>Pagrus pagrus</i>) population off the southeastern United States
Vaughan, Douglas S., and Michael H. Prager
A nearsurface, daytime occurrence of two mesopelagic fish species (<i>Stenobrachius leucopsarus</i> and <i>Leuroglossus schmidti</i>) in a glacial fjord
Abookire, Alisa A., John F. Piatt, and Suzann G. Speckman
Opportunistic feeding of longhorn sculpin (<i>Myoxocephalus octodecemspinosus</i>): Are scallop fishery discards an important food subsidy for scavengers on Georges Bank?
Link, Jason S., and Frank P. Almeida
First record of a yellowfin tuna (<i>Thunnus albacares</i>) from the stomach of a longnose lancetfish (<i>Alepisaurus ferox</i>)
Romanov, Evgeny V., and Veniamin V. Zamorov
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