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A peer-reviewed, no fee, public domain, online-early journal
The quarterly Fishery Bulletin is one of the oldest and most respected fisheries journals in the world. It has been an official publication of the U.S. government since 1881, under various titles. It carries original research and interpretative articles on all fields of marine fisheries science and marine biology.
Fishery Bulletin is now accepting submissions of review articles of exceptional quality. The Marine Fisheries Review, also published by NOAA, has suspended publication. Its 85-year legacy of publishing timely review articles on marine fisheries science, however, will continue on the pages of Fishery Bulletin. Review articles will be published under the banner A Marine Fisheries Review.
A broad range of subjects are covered in Fishery Bulletin. Topics include fisheries science, biology, engineering, and economics, commercial and recreational fisheries, and fisheries developments inside and outside the United States. Articles on aquaculture or freshwater species typically will not be considered, unless there is a connection to marine environments or fisheries.
Authors pay no fees to publish with Fishery Bulletin. In addition, papers published in Fishery Bulletin are not copyrighted. All content is in the public domain and available without charge to readers. One can read, download, copy, distribute, print, and search articles and provide links to the full texts of articles. Articles can be used for any lawful purpose, without asking permission from the publisher or author; however, reference to source is appreciated.
Manuscripts submitted for publication in Fishery Bulletin undergo peer review by qualified experts at academic institutions and government research organizations across the globe. The scientific editor, a scientist affiliated with one of the Science Centers of the National Marine Fisheries Service, is responsible for conducting peer reviews and for accepting or rejecting manuscripts. The scientific editor also consults with the journal’s Editorial Board.
Online early means that all articles are formally published on our website as soon as they are ready. They are not held until an entire print issue is complete. Once an article is copyedited, accepted for publication, typeset, and approved by the author, it is assigned to a volume and issue and a PDF file of the article is published on the Fishery Bulletin website. The abstract for an article, along with a translation of the abstract in Spanish, is published online shortly after acceptance and prior to publication of the full paper on the website.
For author guidelines, directions on how to submit an article, and more information about the Fishery Bulletin, see the links in blue box on this page.