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Fishery Bulletin
Validity of age determination from scales, and growth of marked Lake Michigan lake trout
Cable, Louella E.
Life history of lakes herring of Green Bay, Lake Michigan
Smith, Stanford H.
Tunas and tuna fisheries of the world: An annotated bibliography, 1930-53
Van Campen, Wilvan G., and Earl E. Hoven
A method of estimating abundance of groundfish on Georges Bank
Rounsefell, George A.
Climatic trends and the distribution of marine animals in New England
Taylor, Clyde C., Henry B. Bigelow, and Herbert W. Graham
New calanoid copepods of the families Aetideidae, Euchaetidae, and Stephidae from the Gulf of Mexico
Fleminger, Abraham
Early development, spawning, growth, and occurrence of the silver mullet (Mugil curema) along the south Atlantic coast of the United States
Anderson, William W.
Fecundity of the Pacific sardine (Sardinops caerulea)
MacGregor, John S.
Effects of unialgal and bacteria-free cultures of Gymnodinium brevis on fish
Ray, Sammy M., and William B. Wilson
Treatment of sulfonamide-resistant furunculosis in trout and determination of drug sensitivity
Snieszko, S. F., and G. L. Bullock
Comparative study of food of bigeye and yellowfin tuna in the central Pacific
King, Joseph E., and Isaac I. Ikehara
Observations on the development of the Atlantic sailfish Istiophorus americanus (Cuvier), with notes on an unidentified species of istiophorid
Gehringer, Jack W.
Yellowfin tuna spawning in the central equatorial Pacific
Yuen, Heeny S. H., and Fred C. June
Effects of environment and heredity on growth of the soft clam (Mya arenaria)
Spear, Harlan S., and John B. Glude
New genus and two new species of Tharybidae (Copepoda calanoida) from the Gulf of Mexico with remarks on the status of the family
Fleminger, Abraham
Zooplankton abundance in the central Pacific, part II
King, Joseph E., and Thomas S. Hida
Larval forms of the fresh-water mullet (Agonostomus monticola) from the open ocean off the bahamas and south Atlantic coast of the United States
Anderson, William W.
Fecundity of North American salmonidae
Rounsefell, George A.
Observations on the spearfishes of the central Pacific
Royce, William F.
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