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Fishery Bulletin
Abundance, distribution, and settlement of young-of-the-year white seabass Atractoscion nobilis in the Southern California Bight, 1988-89
Larry G. Allen, Michael P. Franklin
Reproduction in American lobsters Homarus americanus transplanted northward to St. Michael's Bay, Labrador
Frank A. Boothroyd, Gerald P. Ennis
Energetics of associated tunas and dolphins in the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean: A basis for the bond
Elizabeth F. Edwards
Stock structure of the bluefish Poatomus saltatrix along the mid-Atlantic coast
John E. Graves, Jan R. McDowell, Ana M. Beardsley, Daniel R. Scoles
Age validation, growth, and mortality of larval Atlantic bumper (Carangidae: Chloroscombrus chrysurus) in the northern Gulf of Mexico
Deborah L. Leffler, Richard F. Shaw
An investigation of bottlenose dolphin Tursiops truncatus deaths in East Matagorda Bay, Texas, January 1990
W. George Miller
Movements of acoustically-tagged yellowtail rockfish Sebastes flavidus on Heceta Bank, Oregon
William G. Pearcy
Behavior of individually-identified sei whales Balaenoptera borealis during an episodic influx into the southern Gulf of Maine in 1986
Mark R. Schilling, Irene Selpt, Mason T. Weinrich, Steven E. Frohock, Anne E. Kuhlberg, Phillip J. Clapham
Leatherback turtle captured by ingestion of squid bait on swordfish longline
Robert A. Skillman, George H. Balazs
Reproductive biology of the swordfish Xiphias gladius in the Straits of Florida and adjacent waters
Ronald G. Taylor, Michael D. Murphy
Depth, capture time, and hooked longevity of longline-caught pelagic fish: Timing bites of fish with chips
Christofer H. Boggs
Larval development, distribution, and ecology of cobia Rachycentron canadum (Family: Rachycentridae) in the northern Gulf of Mexico
James G. Ditty, Richard F. Shaw
Artificial shelters and survival of juvenile Caribbean spiny lobster Panulirus argus: Spatial, habitat, and lobster size effects
David B. Eggleston, Romuald N. Lipcius, David L. Miller
Differentiating Paralithodes larvae using telson spines: A tail of two species
Gregory C. Jensen, Helle B. Anderson, David A. Armstrong
A telemetric study of the home ranges and homing routes of lingcod Ophiodon elongatus on shallow rocky reefs off Vancouver Island, British Columbia
Kathleen R. Matthews
Evaluation of ghost fishing in the Hawaiian lobster fishery
Frank A. Parrish, Thomas K. Kasama
A simple simulation approach to risk and cost analysis, with applications to swordfish and cod fisheries
Victor R. Restrepo, John M. Hoenig, Joseph E. Powers, James W. Baird, Stephen C. Turner
Application of otolith microchemistry analysis to investigate anadromy in Chesapeake Bay striped bass Morone saxatilis
David H. Secor
Population dynamics of pelagic armorhead Pseudopentaceros wheeleri on Southeast Hancock Seamount
David A. Somerton, Bert S. Kikkawa
Genetic isolation of previously indistinguishable chinook salmon populations of the Snake and Klamath Rivers: Limitations of negative data
Fred M. Utter, Robin S. Waples, David J. Teel
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