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Fishery Bulletin
The use of parasites in discriminating stocks of Pacific halibut (<i>Hippoglossus stenolepis</i>) in the northeast Pacific
Blaylock, Reginald B., Leo Margolis, and John C. Holmes
Small-scale spatial and temporal variability in growth and mortality of fish larvae in the subtropical northcentral Gulf of Mexico: implications for assessing recruitment success
Comyns, Bruce H., Richard F. Shaw, and Joanne Lyczkowski-Shultz
Temporal changes in population density, fecundity, and egg size of the Hawaiian spiny lobster (<i>Panulirus marginatus</i>) at Necker Bank, Northwestern Hawaiian Islands
DeMartini, Edward E., Gerard T. DiNardo, and Happy A. Williams
Impact of hatchery releases on the recreational fishery for Pacific threadfin (<i>Polydactylus sexfilis</i>) in Hawaii
Friedlander, Alan M., and David A. Ziemann
Yield- and biomass-per-recruit analysis for rotational fisheries, with an application to the Atlantic sea scallop (<i>Placopecten magellanicus</i>)
Hart, Deborah R.
Estimating long-term growth-rate changes of southern bluefin tuna (<i>Thunnus maccoyii</i>) from two periods of tag-return data
Hearn, William S., and Thomas Polacheck
Life history of the Atlantic sharpnose shark (<i>Rhizoprionodon terraenovae</i>) (Richardson, 1836) off the southeastern United States
Loefer, Joshua K., and George R. Sedberry
A general framework for integrating environmental time series into stock assessment models: model description, simulation testing, and example
Maunder, Mark N., and George M. Watters
Seasonal distribution, abundance, and growth of young-of-the-year Atlantic croaker (<i>Micropogonias undulatus</i>) in Delaware Bay and adjacent marshes
Miller, Michael J., David M. Nemerson, and Kenneth W. Able
Age validation, growth, mortality, and additional population parameters of the goldband snapper (<i>Pristipomoides multidens</i>) off the Kimberley coast of northwestern Australia
Newman, Stephen J., and Iain J. Dunk
An approach to estimating rockfish biomass based on larval production, with application to <i>Sebastes jordani</i>
Ralston, Stephen, James R. Bence, Maxwell B. Eldridge, and William H. Lenarz
Prey consumption of Steller sea lions (<i>Eumetopias jubatus</i>) off Alaska: How much prey do they require?
Winship, Arliss J., and Andrew W. Trites
A Monte Carlo demographic analysis of the silky shark (<i>Carcharhinus falciformis</i>): implications of gear selectivity
Beerkircher, Lawrence, Mahmood Shivji, and Enric Cortes
Indirect estimates of natural mortality rate for arrowtooth flounder (<i>Atheresthes stomias</i>) and darkblotched rockfish (<i>Sebastes crameri</i>)
Gunderson, Donald R., Mark Zimmermann, Daniel G. Nichol, and Katherine Pearson
Use of parasites in stock identification of the deepwater redfish (<i>Sebastes mentella</i>) in the Northwest Atlantic
Marcogliese, David J., Elaine Albert, Pierre Gagnon, and Jean-Marie Sevigny
Dive-depth distribution of loggerhead (<i>Carretta carretta</i>) and olive ridley (<i>Lepidochelys olivacea</i>) sea turtles in the central North Pacific: Might deep longline sets catch fewer turtles?
Polovina, Jeffrey J., Evan Howell, Denise M. Parker, and George H. Balazs
Age-validation of a leopard shark (<i>Triakis semifasciata</i>) recaptured after 20 years
Smith, Susan E., Robert A. Mitchell, and Dan Fuller
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