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Fishery Bulletin
Schizamoeba salmonis, a new ameba parasitic in salmonid fishes
Davis, H. S.
Second experiment in tagging salmon in the Alaska Peninsula fisheries reservation, summer of 1923
Gilbert, Charles H., and Willis H. Rich
Crayfishes of the genus Cambarus in Nebraska and eastern Colorado
Engle, Earl Theron
Salmon-tagging experiments in Alaska, 1924 and 1925
Rich, Willis H.
Organic content of lake water
Birge, Edward A., and Chancey Juday
Kendall, William Converse
The smelts
Octomitus salmonis, a parasitic flagellate of trout
Davis, H. S.
Distinguishing characters of two species of red snappers of the Atlantic coast of North America
Hildebrand, Samuel F., and Isaac Ginsburg
New genus of darter from western North Carolina
Coker, R. E.
Development, growth, and food habits of the white sucker, Catostomus commersonii Le Sueur
Stewart, Norman Hamilton
Descriptions of two new species of fishes from Key West, Fla., with notes on nine other species collected in the same locality
Hildebrand, Samuel F., and Isaac Ginsburg
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