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Fishery Bulletin
Topical synopsis of articles and notes
The porpoise fishery of Hatterns, N. C.
True, F. W.
History of operations at the fish-hatching stations on the McCloud River, California, from the beginning, August, 1872, to October, 1884
Stone, Livingston
Directions for collecting embiotocoid fish embryos
Ryder, John A.
The habits and the value for food of the American channel catfish (Ictalurus punctuatus, Rafinesque)
Jordan, David S.
How to distinguish the sex of a carp
Smiley, Chas W.
Notes on the English herring and mackerel fisheries, and the methods of curing
Collins, J. W.
Notes on the cod gill-net fisheries of Gloucester, Mass., 1884-1885
Martin, S. J.
Report of the work in an oyster investigation with the Steamer Lookout
Blackford, Eugene G.
The whale fishery of Norway
Juel, Niels
Results of planting young whitefish in Lake Erie. What the fisherman thing of whitefish propagation
Clark, Frank N.
Report on the pollution of the Potomac River by the discharge of waste products from gas manufacture
McDonald, Marshall
The rate of growth of oysters at Saint Jerome Creek Stations
Ryder, John A.
Notice of the capture of a male pigmy sperm-whale (Kogia breviceps), at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina
True, F. W.
On the development of the mammary glands and genitalia of the cetacea
Ryder, John A.
The red snapper grounds in the Gulf of Mexico
Collins, J. W.
The Bower-Barff rustless iron
Kidder, J. H.
How long will oysters live out of water
Verrill, A. E.
On the rate of growth of the common clam, and on a mode of obtaining the young of the giant clams of the Pacific Coast for the purpose of transplanting
Ryder, John A.
An act to protect the fish in the Potomac River in the District of Columbia, and to provide a spawning-ground for shad and herring in the said Potomac River
The migration of salmon (Salmo salar, L.) in the Baltic
Fiedler, Judge
Propagating buffalo-fish
Mosher, A. A.
Report upon the shad and herring fisheries of the Potomac River for 1885
Harris, Gwynn
New England fisheries in June, 1885
Wilcox, W. A.
The fish-cultural establishment of Lake Saint-Front, Haute Loire, France
De Causans, Viscount
Notes on carp and frog culture
Brakeley, John H.
Notes upon the Scotch fish and fisheries
Anderson, John
Report on black cod of the North Pacific Ocean
Swan, James G.
Carp-culture in China
MacGowan, D. J.
Young trout destroyed by mosquitoes
Murray, C. H.
The fisheries of Pensacola, Florida
Stearns, Silas
Carp-culture in China
Smithers, E. J.
Fish-culture in Southern China
Seymour, Charles
Fish-culture at Gonville, France
D'Halloy, Leon
Report on planting Canadian oysters near the Island of Aaröe, in the Little Belt, November 6, 1884
Möbius, Karl
Distribution of American fish and fish eggs by the German Fishery Association
von dem Borne, Max
Organic matter in the Baltic
Hensen, V.
Laws of inland waters
Lyman, Theodore
Hatching American fish at South Kensington, and their introduction to English waters
Ffennell, Henry
Live food for young fish
Schwaab, Dr.
Italian fishermen in San Francisco
San Francisco Chronicle
Examination of the fisheries in the Gulf of Mexico
Stearns, Silas
Fish-culture as a means of improving the race of fish
von K., Baron
The pearl fisheries of Tahiti
Spawning of spring herring near Norway
Buch, S. A.
Abundance of fish in the Gulf of Mexico
Sellars, L. H.
Eels and eelpots in Norway
Norsk Fiskeritidende
Effect of sunlight upon shad eggs
Page, W. F.
Location of a salmon hatchery in Oregon
Walker, C. H.
Water-beetles destroying carp
Riley, C. V.
Notes on fish-culture in Iowa
Mosher, A. A.
Artificial propagation of rockfish and eels
Norny, E. R.
Pound and net fishing at Erie, Pa.
Dunlap, M. E
Natural as compared with artificial hatching of whitefish
Clark, Frank N.
Injuries caused by gill-nets to whitefish
Howell, D. Y.
Proposed removal of fish-traps from Columbia River
Kinney, Aug C.
Fish and medusæ
Oesterbol, A.
Notes taken during cruise of the Albatross to Grand Banks in June and July, 1885
Nye, Willard, Jr.
Piscivorous plants
Halpérine, E.
Memorandum on water residues from cod-hatching station at Wood's Holl
Kidder, J. H.
The appearance of sharks, squid, menhaden, and frost-fish
Southwick, J. M. K.
Edible qualities of smoked kingfish (Scomberomorus cavalla, Cuv.)
Collins, J. W.
The harvest of the sea
Philadelphia Press
Summary of fish-cultural work in North Carolina
Worth, S. G.
Report of shad propagation on the Potomac River during the season of 1885
McDonald, Marshall
Report of the operations of the U. S. Fish Commission Steamer Fish Hawk, in shad hatching, on the Delaware River, season of 1885
Piepmeyer, L. W.
Report of shad-hatching operations at Battery Station, Havre de Grace, Md., season of 1885
Hamlen, William
Porpoise products
Sparks, George L.
Smoking herring in Denmark
Garde, Aug
American fish in France
Raveret-Wattel, C.
Statistics of the fisheries of the Province of British Columbia for 1884
Pittendrigh, George
Introduction of clams into Delaware Bay
Moore, C. B.
Nuremberg carp exchange
Deutsche Fisherei-Zeitung
Sending catfish to Europe
Smiley, Chas W.
Efforts to raise trout
Smith, S. B.
Artificial hatching of salt-water fish and lobsters in Norway
Dannevig, G. M.
New England fisheries in August, 1885
Wilcox, W. A.
Resolution asking for the abrogation of the fishery clause of the Washington treaty, passed at a convention of New England fishermen, which met at Gloucester, December 27, 1884
How to catch carp
Martin, Robert A.
Salmon and trout hatcheries in Scotland
Duncan, J. Barker
A desire for fish-culture in Malacca
Wray, Leonard
Notes upon fish and the fisheries
Smiley, Chas W.
Explanation of Illustrations
Note on the male organs of the eel
Ryder, John A.
The labrador fisheries
Stearns, W. A.
Transplanting lobsters to the Chesapeake- Experiments upon the temperature they can endure
Wood, W. M.
Notes upon an exploration on Long Island Sound
Bean, Tarleton H.
Prospectus of striped bass operations for the season of 1885
Worth, S. G.
How to strengthen the Dunes
Boeck, G.
Chronological list of pamphlet publications of the U. S. Fish Commission from its organization in 1871 to January, 1885
Smiley, Chas W., and Chas W. Scudder
The Penobscot and Schoodic salmon work of 1884-1885
Atkins, Chas G.
Notes on the fisheries of Gloucester, Mass.
Martin, S. J.
Notes upon the fish and the fisheries
Smiley, Chas W.
Notes on the lobster (Homarus americanus)
Smith, A. C.
Protecting the oyster beds from star-fish depredations
Garman, Samuel
Report of a trip to Long Island in search of skeletons of the right whale (Balæna cisactica)
True, F. W.
Description of a fish-trap and oyster basin
De Poincy, J. W.
The effects of an elevated temperature on fishes
Day, Francis
Opinions concerning the desirability of a hatchery for salt-water fish in Norway
Rasch, H., A. Landmark, and G. O. Sars
Report of operations at the Hatching Establishment for Fishes, Arendal, 1884
Dannevig, G. M.
New England fisheries from January to May, 1885
Wilcox, W. A.
The shad fisheries of the Hudson
Mather, Fred
On the green coloration of the gills and palps of the clam (Mya arenaria)
Ryder, John A.
Notes upon the octopus, flying-fish, &c., taken during the Albatross cruise in January, 1884
Nye, Willard, Jr.
Notes on fishes observed in Lake Superior
Jordan, David S.
Comparative examination of cultivated and uncultivated oysters, with the view to determine the number which, during the first year, took part in reproduction
Hoek, P. P. C.
Preservation of bait
Waage, P.
Notes on the fisheries of Glocester, Mass.
Martin, S. J.
Time of approach of fish to the New England Coast
Gould, N. E.
On the migration of birds in the Spring and Autumn of 1884
Harvie-Brown, J. A.
Unusual abundance of cod on Brown's Bank
Collins, J. W.
The sardine canning industry of Eastport, Me.
Kemp, N. H., and others
American fish being acclimatized in France
Raveret-Wattel, C.
Proposed transmission of salmon eggs to Chili and importation of Chilian species of fishes
Cerda, Juan de la C.
Fish-culture in China
Shephard, Isaac
Notes on the habits of the golden die (Idus auratus)
Hessel, Rud
Fishing on an edge of the Grand Banks
Collins, J. W.
Note on the culture of American salmon in France
Raveret-Wattel, C.
The injurious effects of rafting on the lake and river fisheries of Sweden
Malmgren, A. J.
Hydrographic work of the Albatross in 1884
Schroeder, Seaton
Hatching salmon eggs at Montpellier, France, and trouble with fungus
Valéry-Mayet, Prof.
An attempt to impregnate artificially the eggs of Acipenser stellatus
Borodin, N.
Success in hatching lobster eggs in Norway
Dannevig, G. M.
Raising carp in rice fields
Donaldson, B. J.
Propagation of salmon in Salmon River, Oswego County, New York
Collins, John D.
Mud slough on the Grand Banks
Johnson, George A.
Some facts concerning isinglass
Knudsen, Henrik
The Iceland shark-fisheries
Norsk Fiskeritidende
Food of mackerel, pilchards, and herring
Dunn, Matthias
On the rearing, growth, and breeding of salmon in fresh water in Great Britain
Day, Francis
Condition of the United States trout ponds
Green, Loren W.
The mountain or salmon trout of Oregon
Jordan, David S.
Edible shell-fish found near Cuba
Stearns, Robt. E. C.
Effect of waste products from Page's ammoniacal works upon young shad fry
McDonald, Marshall
Klip-fish at the Shetland Islands
Annaniassen, Abr.
Restocking the Merrimac River with lamprey eels
Riddle, George W.
Report on the Schoodic salmon work of 1884-1885
Atkins, Chas G.
Monster sea-serpents
Proctor, Richard A.
Shipment of whitefish eggs to the Ballarat Fish Acclimatization Society
Whitecombe, W. P.
New England fisheries in July, 1885
Wilcox, W. A.
Notes upon fish and the fisheries
Smiley, Chas W.
Note on the clams of the Pacific Coast
Stearns, Robt E.
Disposition of whitefish eggs sent to Switzerland
Frey, E.
Putting bass into carp ponds
vom dem Borne, Max
Proposition to prepare kingfish by smoking
Collins, J. W.
Salmon canning in Oregon
Adams, Emma H.
A foreigner's opinion of American fish-culture
Playfair, Lyon
Report of shad-hatching operations by the steamer Lookout, season of 1885
Smith, James A.
Falling off in the fisheries of Malta
Worthington, John
Salting roe in Norway
Norsk Fiskeritidende
Answers to questions about fattening oysters
Ryder, John A.
The Saint John's River as a shad stream
Cary, H. H.
Culture of landlocked and Penobscot salmon in New Hampshire
Hodge, E. B.
Petition to prohibit the seining of bluefish
Dickinson, Fred
Raising carp in a supposed alkaline water
Stover, E. S.
American halibut-fisheries near Iceland
Thorsteinson, A.
Notes from the carp ponds
Hessel, Rud
Propagation of trout by the Southside Club
Clarke, H. B.
Salmonidæ in Australia
Dannevig, G. M.
Hatching lobsters in Norway
Dannevig, G. M.
Segregation of the sexes of trout
Stone, Livingston
Stranding of a pigmy sperm-whale
Hobbs, James R.
The fisheries of Malta
Worthington, John
The use of the electric light in fishing
Tanner, Z. L.
On a disease affecting the rainbow trout at McCloud River Station
Green, Loren W.
Vegetable parasites of codfish
Farlow, W. G.
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