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Seasonal occurrence and site-utilization patterns of adult tautog, <i>Tautoga onitis</i> (Labridae), at manmade and natural structures in lower Chesapeake Bay
Arendt, Michael D., Jon A. Lucy, and Thomas A. Munroe
Phylogeographic analysis of mitochondrial DNA variation in Alaskan coho salmon, <i>Oncorhynchus kisutch</i>
Gharrett, Anthony J., Andrew K. Gray, and Vladimir Brykov
Diet and consumption rates of overwintering YOY striped bass, <i>Morone saxatilis</i>, in the Hudson River
Hurst, Thomas P., and David O. Conover
Use of a continuous egg sampler for ichthyoplankton surveys: application to the estimation of daily egg production of Pacific sardine (<i>Sardinops sagax</i>) off California
Lo, Nancy C. H., John R. Hunter, and Richard Charter
Growth of juvenile red king crab (<i>Paralithodes camtschaticus</i>) in Bristol Bay (Alaska) elucidated from field sampling and analysis of trawl-survey data
Loher, Timothy, David A. Armstrong, and Bradley G. Stevens
Age, growth, and mortality of California halibut, <i>Paralichthys californicus</i>, along southern and central California
MacNair, Leslie S., Michael L. Domeier, and Calvin S. Y. Chun
Morphological development and growth of laboratory-reared larval and juvenile <i>Thunnus thynnus</i> (Pisces: Scombridae)
Miyashita, Shigeru, Yoshifumi Sawada, Tokihiko Okada, Osamu Murata, and Hidemi Kumai
Age and growth of red snapper, <i>Lutjanus campechanus</i>, from an artificial reef area off Alabama in the northern Gulf of Mexico
Patterson III, William F, James H. Cowan Jr, Charles A. Wilson, and Robert L. Shipp
A comparison of calcified structures for aging summer flounder, <i>Paralichthys dentatus</i>
Sipe, Ann M., and Mark E. Chittenden Jr.
Bridle efficiency of a survey trawl for flatfish
Somerton, David A., and Peter Munro
Age and growth of red snapper, <i>Lutjanus campechanus</i>, from the northern Gulf of Mexico off Louisiana
Wilson, Charles, A., and David L. Nieland
Stomach content analysis of cobia, <i>Rachycentron canadum</i>, from lower Chesapeake Bay
Arendt, Michael D., John E. Olney, and Jon A. Lucy
Preliminary genetic population structure of southern flounder, <i>Paralichthys lethostigma</i>, along the Atlantic Coast and Gulf of Mexico
Blandon, Ivonne R., Rocky Ward, Tim L. King, William J. Karel, and James P. Monaghan Jr.
Age determined from the daily deposition of concentric rings on common octopus (<i>Octopus vulgaris</i>) beaks
Hernandez-Lopez, Jose L., Jose J. Castro-Hernandez, and Vicente Hernandez-Garcia
Reproduction of female spiny dogfish, <i>Squalus acanthias</i>, in the Oslofjord
Jones, Thomas S., and Karl I. Ugland
Estimating live standard length of net-caught walleye pollock (<i>Theragra chalcogramma</i>) larvae using measurements in addition to standard length
Porter, Steven M., Annette L. Brown, and Kevin M. Bailey
Preliminary study of albacore (<i>Thunnus alalunga</i>) stock differentiation inferred from microsatellite DNA analysis
Takagi, Motohiro, Tetsuro Okamura, Seinen Chow, and Nobuhiko Taniguchi
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