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Fishery Bulletin
Abundance estimates of cetaceans from a line-transect survey within the U.S. Hawaiian Islands Exclusive Economic Zone
Amanda L. Bradford, Karin A. Forney, Erin M. Oleson, and Jay Barlow
Use of gill nets and telemetry in tracking movements and feeding of striped bass (Morone saxatilis), bluefish (<em>Pomatomus saltatrix</em>), and weakfish (<em>Cynoscion regalis</em>) at a salinity front in a small estuary
Linda L. Stehlik, John P. Manderson, and Jeffrey Pessutti
Age and growth of sheepshead (<em>Archosargus probatocephalus</em>) in Tampa Bay, Florida
Brent L. Winner, Timothy C. MacDonald, and Kimberly B. Amendola
Feeding habits and dietary overlap of age-0 winter flounder (<em>Pseudopleuronectes americanus</em>) and summer flounder (<em>Paralichthys dentatus</em>) in southern New England tidal rivers
David L. Taylor and Carissa L. Gervasi
Patterns of courtship acoustics and geophysical features at spawning sites of black grouper (<em>Mycteroperca bonaci</em>)
Phillip J. Sanchez, Richard S. Appeldoorn, Michelle T. Schärer-Umpierre, and James V. Locascio
First verified occurrence of the shortnose sturgeon (<em>Acipenser brevirostrum</em>) in the James River, Virginia
Matthew Balazik
Stock identification of tainha (<em>Mugil liza</em>) by analyzing stable carbon and oxygen isotopes in otoliths
Valéria M. Lemos, Cassiano Monteiro-Neto, Henrique Cabral, and João P. Vieira
Effects of recruitment through a coastal hydrodynamic boundary layer on growth and otolith microstructure of larval Gulf menhaden (<em>Brevoortia patronus</em>)
Matthew J. Kupchik and Richard F. Shaw
Effects of leader material on catches of shallow pelagic longline fisheries in the southwest Indian Ocean
Miguel N. Santos, Pedro G. Lino, and Rui Coelho
Patterns of movement, growth, and survival of adult sablefish (<em>Anoplopoma fimbria</em>) at contrasting depths in slope waters off Oregon
Susan M. Sogard and Steven A. Berkeley
Trophic segregation of mixed schools of yellowfin tuna (<em>Thunnus albacares</em>) and skipjack tuna (<em>Katsuwonus pelamis</em>) caught in the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean
Vanessa G. Alatorre-Ramirez, Felipe Galván-Magaña, Yassir E. Torres-Rojas, and Robert J. Olson
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