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Fishery Bulletin
Demographic variability in seafood consumption rates among recreational anglers of Santa Monica Bay, California, in 1991-1992
M. James Allen, Patricia V. Velez. Dario W. Deihl, Sarah E. McFadden, Michael Kelsh
The reproductive condition of white sturgeon, Acipenser transmentanus, in San Fransisco Bay, California
Frank A. Chapman, J. P. Van Eenennaam, S. I. Doroshov
Do herring grow faster than orange roughy?
R.I.C. Chris Francis
Mitochondrial DNA diversity and divergence among sharpnose sharks, Rhizoprionodon terraenovae, from the Gulf of Mexico and Mid-Atlantic Bight
Edward J. Heist, John A. Musick, John E. Graves
Kalman filtering the delay-difference equation: practical approaches and simulations
Daniel K. Kimura, James W. Balsiger, Daniel H. Ito
Is fish recruitment related to spawner abundance?
Ransom A. Myers, Nicholas J. Barrowman
Immunologic methods for species identification of early life stages of lutjanid fishes from the western central Atlantic. Part I: Characterization of an interspecies protein
Duane R. Schultz, Patricia I. Arnold, Thomas R. Capo, Claire B. Paris-Umouzy, Joseph E. Serafy, William J. Richards
Energetics of larval red drum, Sciaenops ocellatus. Part I: Oxygen consumption, specific dynamic action, and nitrogen excretion
Joseph J. Torres, Ross I. Brightman, Joe Donnelly, John Harvey
Nearshore assemblages of larval rockfishes and their physical environment off central California during an extended EI Nino event, 1991-1993
Yoklavich, Mary M., Valerie J. Loeb, Mary Nishimoto, and Brendan Daly
The use of minisatellite DNA variation for stock identification of chum salmon, Oncorhynchus keta
Terry D. Beacham
Reproductive seasonality, maturation, fecundity, and spawning frequency of the vermilion snapper, Rhomboplites aurorubens, off the southeastern United States
Nicole Cuellar, George R. Sedberry, David W. Wyanski
Post-smolt growth, maturation, and survival of two stocks of Atlantic salmon
Kevin D. Friedland, Ruth E. Haas, and Tim F. Sheehan
Gillnetting in southern New Zealand: duration effects of sets and entanglement modes of fish
Michael J. H. Hickford, David R. Schiel
Genetic variation and phylogenetic relationships of seven oreo species (Teleostei, Oreosomatidae) inferred from allozyme analysis
Patricia S. Lowry, Nicholas G. Elliott, Gordon K. Yearsley, Robert D. Ward
Spawning seasonality of albacore, Thunnus alalunga, in the South Pacific Ocean
Darlene Ramon, Kevin Bailey
Forecasting the fishery for pink shrimp, Penaeus duorarum, on the Tortugas Grounds, Florida
Pete Sheridan
Nearshore assemblages of larval rockfishes and their physical environment off central California during an extended El Nino event, 1991-1993
Mary M. Yoklavich, Valerie J. Loeb, Mary Nishimoto, and Brendan Daly
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