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Fishery Bulletin
Life history of the scavenger water beetle Hydrous (Hydrophilus) triangularis, and its economic relation to fish breeding
Wilson, Charles Branch
Northwestern lakes of the United States: biological and chemical studies with reference to possibilities in production of fish
Kemmerer, George, J. F. Bovard, and W. R. Boorman
Significance of larval mantle of fresh-water mussels during parasitism, with notes on a new mantle condition exhibited by Lampsilis luteola
Blystad, Chester N.
Water beetles in relation to pondfish culture, with life histories of those found in fishponds at Fairport, Iowa
Wilson, Charles Branch
Food and feeding in fresh-water mussels
Churchill, E. P., Jr., and Sara I. Lewis
Annotated list of fishes collected in vicinity of Augusta, Georgia, with description of a new darter
Hildebrand, Samuel F.
Experiments in tagging adult red salmon, Alaska Peninsula Fisheries Reservation, summer of 1922
Gilbert, Charles H.
Contributions to life histories of Sciaenidae of the eastern United States coast
Welsh, William W., and C. M. Breder, Jr.
Toxicities of coal tar creosote, creosote distillates, and individual constituents for the marine wood borer Limnoria lignorum
Shackell, L. F.
Limnological observations in the upper Mississippi, 1921
Galtsoff, P. S.
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