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Fishery Bulletin
Catch Efficiencies of Purse and Beach Seines in Ivory Coast Lagoons
Emmanuel Charles-Dominique
Effects of Nonrandomness on Line Transect Estimates of Dolphin School Abundance
Elizabeth F. Edwards, Pierre M. Kleiber
A Comparative Analysis of Growth Zones in Four Calcified Structures of Pacific Blue Marlin, Makaim nigricans
Kevin T. Hill, Gregor M. Cailliet, Richard L. Radtke
Interannual Trends in Pacific Cod, Gadus macrocephalus, Predation on Three Commercially Important Crab Species in the Eastern Bering Sea
Patricia A. Livingston
Larval Development of the Australian Devilfish, Gymnapistes marmoratus (Teleostei: Scorpaenidae)
Francisco J. Neira
Spatial Aspects of Imprinting and Homing in Coho Salmon, Oncorhynchus kisutch
T. P. Quinn, E. L. Brannon, A. H. Dittman
New Squat Lobsters (Galatheidae) from the Pacific Ocean: Mariana Back Arc Basin, East Pacific Rise, and Cascadia Basin
Austin B. Williams, Keiji Baba
Comparative standing stocks of mesozooplankton and macrozooplankton in the southern sector of the California Current system
Ohman, M. D., and J. R. Wilkinson
Longbill spearfish, Tetrapturus pfluegeri, incidentally caught by recreational billfishermen in the western North Atlantic Ocean, 1974-86
Witzell, W. N.
Reproductive status of dover sole, Microstomus pacificus, off northern Oregon
Yoklavich, Mary M., and Ellen K. Pikitch
Identification of habitat of juvenile snappers in Hawaii
Parrish, Frank A.
Time Series of Growth in the Genus Sebastes from the Northeast Pacific Ocean
George W. Boehlert, Mary M. Yoklavich, Dudley B. Chelton
Spatial Distribution of Juvenile Salmonids in the Hanford Reach, Columbia River
Dennis D. Dauble, Thomas L. Page, R. William Hanf, Jr.
Maturation and Reproduction in Two Hawaiian Eteline Snappers, Uku, Aprion virescens, and Onaga, Etelis coruscans
Alan R. Everson, Happy A. Williams, Bernard M. Ito
A Photographic Survey of the Megafauna of the Central and Eastern Gulf of Maine
Richard W. Langton and Joseph R. Uzmann
Otoconia From Four New Zealand Chimaeriformes
K. P. Mulligan, R. W. Gauldie, R. Thomson
Submersible Observations of Deep-Reef Fishes of Heceta Bank, Oregon
W. G. Pearcy, D. L. Stein, M. A. Hixon. E. K. Pikitch, W. H. Barss, R. M. Starr
Feeding Habits of Whitebone Porgy, Calamus leucosteus (Teleostei: Sparidae), Associated with Hard Bottom Reefs off the Southeastern United States
George R. Sedberry
Age and growth of the blacktip shark, Carcharhinus limbatus, near Tampa Bay, Florida
Killam, Kristie A., and Glenn R. Parsons
Tuna larvae abundance: Comparative estimates from concurrent Japanese and Australian sampling programs
Davis, Tim L. O., Greg P. Jenkins, Mori Yukinawa, and Yasuo Nishikawa
Age determination in larval and juvenile sheepshead, Archosargus probatocephalus
Parsons, Glenn R., and Kevin M. Peters
Digestive-gland histology in paralarval squids (Cephalopoda: Loliginidae)
Vecchione, Michael, and Victoria A. Hand
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