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Fishery Bulletin
Organization and sessional business
International regulations of the fisheries on the high seas
Fryer, Charles Edward
Work of the International Fisheries Commission of Great Britain and the United States
Jordan, David Starr
National aspects of angling and the protection of game fishes
Perce, H. Wheeler
Lobsters and the lobster problem in Massachusetts
Field, George W.
Sea mussels and dogfish as food
Field, Irving A.
Effects of menhaden fishing upon the supply of menhaden and of the fishes that prey upon them
Hathaway, Walter E.
An improved and practical method of packing fish for transportation
Sölling, A.
Fur seals and the seal fisheries
Townsend, Charles H.
The fisheries and the guano industry of Peru
Coker, Robert E.
The fisheries of Japan considered from a geographical standpoint
Kitahara, T.
Commercial sponges and the sponge fisheries
Moore, H. F.
Sponge culture
Cotte, Jules
A plan for promoting the whitefish production of the Great Lakes
Downing, S. W.
A plan for promoting the whitefish production of the Great Lakes
Reighard, Paul
Explanation of Illustrations
International regulations of the fisheries on the high seas
Olsen, O. T.
International regulations of the fisheries on the high seas
Stevenson, Charles Hugh
Some reasons for failure of fish protective legislation and some suggested remedies
Dennis, Oregon Milton
Sport fishing in California and Florida
Holder, Charles F.
A method of lobster culture
Mead, A. D.
The wholesomeness of oysters as food
Rowe, Henry C.
Effects of the menhaden and mackerel fisheries upon the fish supply
Kendall, W. C.
A process for preserving the pearl-oyster fisheries and for increasing the value of the yield of pearls
Solomon, John I.
Economic conditions of the fisheries in Italy
Rossati, Guido
The fisheries of China
Yen, Wei-Ching W.
Goldfish and their culture in Japan
Matsubara, Shinnosuke
A practical method of sponge culture
Moore, H. F.
Experiments in the artificial propagation of fresh-water mussels
Lefevre, George, and W. C. Curtis
A plan for promoting the whitefish production of the Great Lakes
Clark, Frank N.
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