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Fishery Bulletin
Morphometric separation of annual cohorts within mid-Atlantic bluefish, <i>Pomatomus saltatrix</i>, using discriminant function analysis
Austin, Herbert M., Daniel Scoles, and Allison J. Abell
Estimates of exploitation rates for north Pacific albacore, <i>Thunnus alalunga</i>, from tagging data
Bertignac, Michel, John Hampton, and Atilio L. Coan Jr.
Use and success of composite square-mesh codends in reducing bycatch and in improving size-selectivity of prawns in Gulf St. Vincent, South Australia
Broadhurst, Matt K., Roger B. Larsen, Steven J. Kennelly, and Paul E. McShane
Morphometric criteria for estimating sexual maturity in two snappers, <i>Etelis carbunculus</i> and <i>Pristipomoides sieboldii</i>
DeMartini, Edward E., and Boulderson B. Lau
Age and growth of cobia, <i>Rachycentron canadum</i>, from the northeastern Gulf of Mexico
Franks, James S., James R. Warren, and Michael V. Buchanan
Growth patterns in postsmolts and the nature of the marine juvenile nursery for Atlantic salmon, <i>Salmo salar</i>
Friedland, Kevin D., Jean-Denis Dutil, and Teresa Sadusky
A new method for indexing spawning stock and recruitment in ocean shrimp, <i>Pandalus jordani</i>, and preliminary evidence for a stock-recruitment relationship
Hannah, Robert W.
Habitat selection and diet of juvenile red porgy, <i>Pagrus pagrus</i> (Linnaeus, 1758)
Labropoulou, Mary, Athanasios Machias, and Nikolaos Tsimenides
Nearshore hardbottom fishes of southeast Florida and effects of habitat burial caused by dredging
Lindeman, Kenyon C., and David B. Snyder
Growth and maturation of the ghost shrimp <i>Lepidophthalmus sinuensis</i> Lemaitre and Rodrigues, 1991 (Crustacea, Decapoda, Callianassidae), a burrowing pest in penaeid shrimp culture ponds
Nates, Sergio F., and Darryl L. Felder
Capture rate as a function of school size in pantropical spotted dolphins, <i>Stenella attenuata</i>, in the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean
Perkins, Peter C., and Elizabeth F. Edwards
Regional and temporal variability in growth and mortality of bay anchovy, <i>Anchoa mitchilli</i>, larvae in Chesapeake Bay
Rilling, Gene C., and Edward D. Houde
Estimation of size at sexual maturity: an evaluation of analytical and resampling procedures
Roa, Rubén, Billy Ernst, and Fabián Tapia
Spatial and temporal variability in growth, mortality, and recruitment potential of postsettlement red drum, <i>Sciaenops ocellatus</i>, in a subtropical estuary
Rooker, Jay R., Scott A. Holt, G. Joan Holt, and Lea A. Fuiman
Estimation of sablefish, <i>Anoplopoma fimbria</i>, abundance off Alaska with an age-structured population model
Sigler, Michael F.
Fisheries benefits and optimal design of marine reserves
Sladek Nowlis, Joshua, and Callum M. Roberts
Net efficiency of a survey trawl for snow crab, <i>Chionoecetes opilio</i>, and Tanner crab, <i>C. bairdi</i>
Somerton, David A., and Robert S. Otto
Nursery habitats, growth rates, and seasonality of age-0 red snapper, <i>Lutjanus campechanus</i>, in the northeast Gulf of Mexico
Szedlmayer, Stephen T., and Joseph Conti
Ontogenetic changes in size and shape of statoliths: implications for age and growth of the short-lived tropical squid <i>Sepioteuthis lessoniana</i> (Cephalopoda: Loliginidae)
Thomas, Ross, and Natalie A. Moltschaniwskyj
Differential habitat use by California halibut, <i>Paralichthys californicus</i>, barred sand bass, <i>Paralabrax nebulifer</i>, and other juvenile fishes in Alamitos Bay, California
Valle, Charles F., John W. O’Brien, and Kris B. Wiese
Movements of haddock, <i>Melanogrammus aeglefinus</i>, on eastern Georges Bank determined from a population model incorporating temporal and spatial detail
Van Eeckhaute, Lutgarde A. M., Stratis Gavaris, and Edward A. Trippel
Reduction of growth in otoliths of widow and yellowtail rockfish (<i>Sebastes entomelas</i> and <i>S. flavidus</i>) during the 1983 El Niño
Woodbury, David
General age- and time-dependent growth models for animals
Xiao, Yongshun
An analysis of variation in catchability of green tiger prawn, <i>Penaeus semisulcatus</i>, in waters off Kuwait
Ye, Yimin, and Hussain M. A. Mohammed
Straying of adult sockeye salmon, <i>Oncorhynchus nerka</i>, entering a non-natal hatchery
Griffith, Jason N., Andrew P. Hendry, and Thomas P. Quinn
Oceanic feeding habits of chinook salmon, <i>Oncorhynchus tshawytscha</i>, off northern California
Hunt, Sharon L., Timothy J. Mulligan, and Kenichiro Komori
The development of the digestive tract and eye in larval walleye pollock, <i>Theragra chalcogramma</i>
Porter, Steven M., and Gail H. Theilacker
Evaluation of small T-anchor and dart tags for use in marking hatchery-reared juvenile red drum, <i>Sciaenops ocellatus</i>
Winner, Brent L., Robert H. McMichael Jr., and Laurel L. Brant
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