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Fishery Bulletin
Sensitivity of angler benefit estimates from a model of recreational demand to the definition of the substitute sites considered by the angler
Gentner, Brad
Multiscale habitat associations of deepwater demersal fishes off central California
Anderson, Tara J., and Mary M. Yoklavich
Use of endoparasitic helminths as tags in delineating stocks of American plaice (Hippoglossoides platessoides) from the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence and Cape Breton Shelf
McClelland, Gary, and Jason Melendy
Implications of substrate complexity and kelp variability for south-central Alaskan nearshore fish communities
Hamilton, Judy, and Brenda Konar
Genetic variability in spotted seatrout (Cynoscion nebulosus), determined with microsatellite DNA markers
Ward, Rocky, Kevin Bowers, Rebecca Hensley, Brandon Mobley, and Ed Belouski
Review of the crevalle jacks, Caranx hippos complex (Teleostei: Carangidae), with a description of a new species from West Africa
Smith-Vaniz, William F., and Kent E. Carpenter
Diets of Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus) in Southeast Alaska, 1993-1999
Trites, Andrew W., Donald G. Calkins, and Arliss J. Winship
Spawning and early development of captive yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares)
Margulies, Daniel, Jenny M. Suter, Sharon L. Hunt, Robert J. Olson, Vernon P. Scholey, Jeanne B. Wexler, and Akio Nakazawa
Re-estimation of small-scale fishery catches for U.S. flag-associated island areas in the western Pacific: the last 50 years
Zeller, Dirk, Shawn Booth, Gerald Davis, and Daniel Pauly
Whole-gear efficiency of a benthic survey trawl for flatfish
Somerton, David A., Peter T. Munro, and Kenneth L. Weinberg
Yellow (Perca flavescens) and Eurasian (P. fluviatilis) perch distinguished in fried fish samples by DNA analysis
Strange, Rex M., and Carol A. Stepien
Natural mortality rate, annual fecundity, and maturity at length for Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides) from the northeastern Pacific Ocean
Cooper, Daniel W., Katherine P. Maslenikov, and Donald R. Gunderson
Validation of back-calculation equations for juvenile bluefish (Pomatomus saltatrix) with the use of tetracycline-marked otoliths
Roemer, Marja E., and Kenneth Oliveira
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