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Fishery Bulletin
On experiments, begun in 1880, to plant American oysters in the Western Baltic, and the usefulness of contenting these experiments with the aid of the German Fishery Association
Möbius, Karl
The American black bass
Borne, Max von dem
On rainbow trout reared from eggs brought from California
Redmond, Roland
The instruction of Naval midshipmen in taxidermy, ichthyology, &e., at the United States National Museum and on board the steamers of the United States Fish Commission
Baird, Spencer F.
Answers to one hundred and eighteen questions relating to German carp
Smiley, Chas W.
Spawning of California mountain trout, reared in confinement, from eggs brought from McCloud River
Clark, Frank N.
An important fishway cause
Snell, Merwin P.
Proposed exportation of whitefish eggs to Switzerland
Mason, Frank H.
Tonnage of vessels of the United States employed in the whale, cod, and mackerel fisheries, from 1860 to 1882, inclusive
Smiley, Chas W.
Report on the trap-nets fished in the spring of 1883 in the Potomac River and Chesapeake Bay
Wood, W. M.
Rearing oysters from artificially fertilized eggs, together with notes on pond culture, &e.
Ryder, John A.
Summary of distribution of fish by Car No. 1 during the past season
McDonald, Marshall
Notes on the fisheries of Gloucester, Massachusetts
Martin, S. J.
On the impropriety of depositing whitefish minnows off the Harbor of Cleveland, Ohio- Fishing for saugers
Sterling, E.
Notes on the edible qualities of German carp, and hints about cooking them
Smiley, Chas W.
The German carp, and its introduction in the United States
Smiley, Chas W.
Fish culture as seen at the London Exhibition, with special references to its history, apparatus, and methods in the United States
Hubrecht, A. A. W.
On the propriety of depositing whitefish minnows off the Harbor of Cleveland, Ohio
Clark, Frank N., and Seymour Bower
Return to Gloucester of young codfish hatched by United States Fish Commission in 1879
Spinney, Benjamin H.
Memorial addressed to the Bureau of Agriculture of the Imperial Senate for Finland, January 20, 1883, in regard to the advisability of introducing artificial fish culture in Finland
Malmgren, A. J.
An opinion regarding R. Eckhardt's answer to Professor Malmgren
Polenz, Chamberlain von
Management of spawning carp
Behr, von
Shad, herring, &e., excluded from the Rappahannock River by dams
Downman, R. H.
Production of young fry of the carp
Nicklas, Carl
Varieties of carp in Saxony
Hunger, Dr. Oscar
Do striped bass (Roccus lineatus) feed on menhaden?
Mosher, Gideon
A stray cod up the Hudson
Phillips, Barnet
Experiments in the pond culture of trout, suckers, and catfish
Gardner, A. P.
Supposed occurrence of sail-fish (Histiophorus)
Barnes, William M.
Notes on the Pacific Coast trade in shells, shrimps cod and salmon
Dall, William H.
Description of a California salmon (Oncorhynchus sp.) found in one of the rivers of New Zealand and identified by Dr. T. H. Bean
Farr, S. C.
Notes on the biology of the salmon and grilse
Anderson, John
Unexplained variations in the yield of oil from cod livers
Schieffelin & Co., W. H.
A new process of drying fish
Cape Ann Advertiser
Notes on the natural history of the buffalo
Dresser, Henry
Purchase of Professor Poey's Ichthyologia Cubana by the Spanish government
Baird, Spencer F
Report on the abnormal appearance of some shad eggs from a fish kept in confinement at Havre de Grace, Maryland
Ryder, John A.
Success of the gill-net cod fishery on the New England Coast, winter of 1882-1883
Collins, J. W.
Arrival of blue carp from Germany
Hessel, Rud
Proposed limitation of the herring fishery in Maine and its effect upon bait and canning interests
Earll, R. E.
Period of incubation of eggs of German carp
Cary, H. H.
A new fish-hatching apparatus
La Valette St. George, von
Experience of a menhaden oil manufacturer in Northumberland County, Va.
Polk, William R.
Reasons for restricting the use of steamers and seines in the menhaden fishery
D'Homergue, Louis C.
Notes on the menhaden fishery
Friedlaender, Oscar O.
Why the size of mesh in menhaden seines should not be restricted
Church, Daniel T.
Notes on the English herring fishery of 1882
Southwell, Thomas
Fluctuations in the fisheries of the Gulf of Mexico and the proposed investigation of them
Stearns, Silas
Why the catching of menhaden with seines, et., should be restricted
Vail, David F.
Movements of menhaden - Catch of herring
Grant, Isaac H.
Movements of mackerel
Tanner, Z. L.
Exchange of live marine specimens with France
Mather, Fred
Trout and trout culture
Koss, R. A.
Total amount of shad and herring caught on the Potomac River during the spring of 1882
Harris, Gwynn
A list of the published reports of the commissioners appointed by authority of various states of the United States
Smiley, Chas W.
The organization and personnel of the United States Fish Commission, June 1, 1883
Smiley, Chas W.
A list of the names of all persons who have been appointed Commissioners of fisheries of the various States of the United States, with their addresses, and the dates of their terms of service
Smiley, Chas W.
A list of the blank forms, circulars, and minor publications of the United States Fish Commission, from its organization, in 1871, to August 1, 1883
Smiley, Chas W., and Chas W. Scudder
Some of the early results of the introduction of cod gill-nets at Gloucester, Mass., 1880-1881
Martin, S. J.
The American purse-seine successful in the herring fisheries of Sweden
Martin, S. J.
An account of the whale fishery of Nantucket, Mass., one hundred years ago
St. John, J. Hector
The successful stocking of streams with trout
Holberton, Wakeman
Do snakes catch and eat fish?
Nye, Willard, Jr.
Planting and catch of shad in Coosa River, Alabama
Smiley, Chas W.
Reproduction of California salmon in the Aquarium of Trocadero
Raveret-Wattel and Bartet
Fish culture in Belgium
Willequet, E.
Preliminary notice of the development and breeding habits of the Potomac catfish, Amiurus albidus (Le Sueur) gill
Ryder, John A.
Sweden at the Great International Fishery Exposition at London, 1883
Ljungman, Axel Vilhelm
Export of fish-oil from Norway, 1878-1882
Wallem, Fredrik M.
Directions concerning the construction of carp ponds
Maryland Fish Commission Report
Marsh and aquatic plants of the northern United States, many of which are suitable for carp ponds
Ward, Lester F.
Statistics of the fisheries of the United States in 1880
Tenth Census
First appearance of porpoise
Smiley, Chas W.
Statistics of the imports and exports of fish, fish-oil, whalebone, &e., for ten years ending June 30, 1882
Smiley, Chas W.
Early catch of mackerel
Phillips, Barnet
Spawning of Esox (Pike or Pickerel) in North Carolina
Walke, E. H.
The movements of schools of mackerel
Martin, S. J.
Stocking the streams of Montana with fish
Crosby, John Schuyler
What dangers threaten the products of the old pond carp fisheries from artificial fish culture
Treskow-Weissagk, von
The spawning of bluefish - An opinion of the cause of mortality of fish in the Gulf of Mexico
Pierce, H. D.
Process of preserving fish
336 Jennings, Ralph S.
Analysis of artesian-well water from the shad-hatching station at Havre de Grace, Md.
Taylor, Fred W.
Edible clams of the Pacific Coast, and a proposed method of transplanting them to the Atlantic Coast
Stearns, R. E. C.
The cultivation of Croppies in ponds
Bartlett, S. P.
A verdict agains artificial fish culture, and an answer thereto
Deutsche Fischerei Zeitung
Fresh-water sponges: what, where, when, and who wants them
Potts, Edward
What frogs sometimes eat
Downman, R. H.
Can we do anything to decrease, preserve, or increase the number of our useful marine animals?
Möbius, Karl
Prices of carp, tench, and goldorfe in Germany
Description of an eel-like creature taken in a net at New Harbor, Maine, in 1880
Hanna, S. W.
Some notes on whales
Brown, James Temple
Success of the cod gill-net fishery
Cape Ann Advertiser
Obstructions to salmon in Pend d'Oreille River, Montana, requiring a fish-way or removal of falls
Waterbury, E. B., et al.
Fitting out with cod gill-nets
Martin, S. J.
Report for 1879 and 1880 of the sale of fish in Fulton Market, New York
New York Market Index and Journal
The artificial raising of cod in America
Deutsche Fischerei Zeitung
A note on the Atlantic species of the genus Anguilla
Meek, Seth E.
Unexplained variations in the yield of oil from cod livers
Atwood, N. E.
The zoological station at Naples, Italy
Dohrn, Anton
Fish culture in Belgium - Proposed government action
Willequet, E.
Reappearance of young cod hatched by the United States Fish Commission
Wilcox, W. A.
Catch of spawning shad in the Potomac, above Georgetown
Lennurt, J. T.
A mammoth cod
Smith, Everett
Ability of carp to endure muddy, slimy, and stagnant water
White, C. M.
Shad work in South Carolina
Huske, C. J.
Success of the United States Exhibit at the London International Fisheries Exhibition
Lowell, James Russell
Report upon hatching one million whitefish eggs from the Great Lakes, at Orland, Me., and upon planting the young in Eagle Lake, Mount Desert
Buck, H. H.
The incipiency of the menhaden oil business
Barker, E. L.
Why menhaden seining should not be prohibited within two miles of the shore
Wharton, Joseph
Large haul of drum-fish
Atlantic City Review
The injurious effect of menhaden steamers upon the food fisheries
Babbitt, John O.
Scotland fisheries and apparatus
Johnston & Sons
Proposed limitation of menhaden fishing to July 1, and of mackerel fishing to June 15 - Occurrence of herring
Abbe, W. A.
Occurrence of Balistes caprices Gmelin (Leather-jacket or file-fish) at New Bedford, Mass.
Luce, Thomas R.
Movements of mackerel
Martin, S. J.
Success in propagating California mountain trout from eggs brought to Michigan by the United States Fish Commission
Metcalf, Martin
The Scotch herring fisheries
London Daily Telegraph
Scarcity of salmon in the Little Spokane and other streams on Pacific Coast
Stone, Livingston
Dates of the appearance of herring, shad, bass, tango, seup, frostfish, fish-hawks, kingfishers, and Greenland seal in the Taunton River, from 1871 to 1883, inclusive
Slade, Elisha
Check-list of the published reports of the Fish Commissioners of the various states of the United States
Smiley, Chas W.
A list of the names and addresses of the Fish Commissioners of the various states of the United States, and of Superintendents of hatcheries, corrected to June 1, 1883, with some indication of the limits of the terms upon with they are now serving
Smiley, Chas W.
Growth and protection of carp from turtles, etc
Stabler, Edward
Four tables, showing the amount of public money appropriated for carrying on the United States Commission of FIsh and Fisheries, and the various State Commissions, from 1865 to 1882, inclusive
Smiley, Chas W.
Notes on the cod gill-net fishing at Gloucester, Mass., 1882-1883
Martin, S. J.
Notes on the fisheries of Gloucester, Massachusetts
History of the experiments leading to the development of the automatic fish-hatching jar
McDonald, Marshall
On the thread-bearing eggs of the silversides (Menidia)
Ryder, John A.
Directions for collecting and preserving fish
Bean, Tarleton H.
Report of investigations at Neah Bay, Wash., respecting the habits of fur-seals of that vicinity, and to arrange for procuring specimens of skeletons of Cetacea
Swan, James G.
A new fish-hatching apparatus
La Valette St. George, von
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