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Fishery Bulletin
A revision of Malaclemmys, a genus of turtles
Hay, William Perry
The osteology and immediate relations of the tile-fish, Lopholatilus chamaeleonticeps
Lucas, Frederic A.
The fish parasites of the genus Argulus found in the Woods Hole Region
Wilson, Charles B.
The utilization of seaweeds in the United States
Smith, Hugh M.
Isopods from the Alaska salmon investigation
Richardson, Harriet
The fish fauna of the Tortugas Archipelago
Jordan, David Starr, and Joseph C. Thompson
New starfishes from deep water off California and Alaska
Fisher, Walter K.
Physiological studies of the chinook salmon
Greene, Charles Wilson
Explanation of illustrations
The Medusae of the Woods Hole Region
Hargitt, Charles W.
The blood-vascular system of the tile-fish, Lopholatilus chamaeleonticeps
Silvester, C. F.
The seaweed industries of Japan
Smith, Hugh M.
The function of the lateral-line organs in fishes
Parker, G. H.
List of the fishes collected in Boulder County, Colorado, with a description of a new species of Leuciscus
Juday, Chancey
The cultivation of marine and fresh-water animals in Japan
Mitsukuri, K.
Parasites of fishes of Beaufort, North Carolina
Linton, Edwin
The amphipoda of southern New England
Holmes, S. J.
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