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Fishery Bulletin
Spawning of Brazilian menhaden, Brevoortia aurea, in the Río de la Plata estuary off Argentina and Uruguay
Acha, Eduardo M., and Gustavo J. Macchi
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Genetic structure of tautog (Tautoga onitis) populations assayed by RFLP and DGGE analysis of mitochondrial and nuclear genes
Orbacz, Elizabeth A., and Patrick M. Gaffney
Spawning of Brazilian menhaden, <i>Brevoortia aurea</i>, in the Río de la Plata estuary off Argentina and Uruguay
Acha, Eduardo M., and Gustavo J. Macchi
Management of the sandbar shark, <i>Carcharhinus plumbeus</i>: implications of a stage-based model
Brewster-Geisz, Karyl K., and Thomas J. Miller
Food habits of the South American sea lion, <i>Otaria flavescens</i>, off Patagonia, Argentina
Keon Alonso, Mariano, Enrique A. Crespo, Susana N. Pedraza, Néstor A. García, and Mariano A. Coscarella
Modeling statistical performance of an airborne lidar survey system for anchovy
Lo, Nancy C. H, John R. Hunter, and James H. Churnside
Spawning frequency and batch fecundity of Brazilian menhaden, <i>Brevoortia aurea</i>, in the Río de la Plata estuary off Argentina and Uruguay
Macchi, Gustavo J., and Eduardo M. Acha
Age and growth of the yellowedge grouper, <i>Epinephelus flavolimbatus</i>, and the yellowmouth grouper, <i>Mycteroperca interstitialis</i>, off Trinidad and Tobago
Manickchand-Heileman, Sherry C., and Dawn A. T. Phillip
Reproductive biology of the female shortfin mako, <i>Isurus oxyrinchus</i> Rafinesque, 1810, with comments on the embryonic development of lamnoids
Mollet, Henry F., Geremy Cliff, Harold L. Pratt Jr., and John D. Stevens
The relation between early marine growth of pink salmon, <i>Oncorhynchus gorbuscha</i>, and marine temperature, secondary production, and survival to adulthood
Mortensen, Donald, Alex Wertheimer, Sidney Taylor, and Joyce Landingham
Genetic structure of tautog (<i>Tautoga onitis</i>) populations assayed by RFLP and DGGE analysis of mitochondrial and nuclear genes
Orbacz, Elizabeth A., and Patrick M. Gaffney
Age and growth of dolphinfish, <i>Coryphaena hippurus</i>, off Puerto Rico
Rivera, Glauco A., and Richard S. Appeldoorn
Molecular identification and description of pelagic young of the rockfishes <i>Sebastes constellatus</i> and <i>Sebastes ensifer</i>
Rocha-Olivares, Axayácatl, H. Geoffrey Moser, and Jason Stannard
Shape, volume, and resonance frequency of the swimbladder of yellowfin tuna, <i>Thunnus albaca</i>res
Schaefer, Kurt M., and Charles W. Oliver
Identification and distribution of larvae of redfish (<i>Sebastes fasciatus</i> and <i>S. mentella</i>: Scorpaenidae) in the Gulf of St. Lawrence
Sévigny, Jean-Marie, Patrice Gagné, Yves de Lafontaine, and Julian Dodson
Ghost fishing by Tanner crab (<i>Chionoecetes bairdi</i>) pots off Kodiak, Alaska: pot density and catch per trap as determined from sidescan sonar and pot recovery data
Stevens, Bardley G., Ivan Vining, Susie Byersdorfer, and William Donaldson
Spatial distributions of Pacific herring, <i>Clupea pallasi</i>, and walleye pollock, <i>Theragra chalcogramma</i>, in Prince William Sound, Alaska
Stokesbury, Kevin D. E., Jay Kirsch, Evelyn D. Brown, Gary L. Thomas, and Brenda L. Norcross
A method for estimating dredge catching efficiency for blue crabs, <i>Callinectes sapidus</i>, in Chesapeake Bay
Vølstad, Jon H., Alexei F. Sharov, Glenn Davis, and Brenda Davis
Periodicity of increment formation in otoliths of overwintering postlarval and prejuvenile Atlantic menhaden, <i>Brevoortia tyrannus</i>
Ahrenholz, Dean W., Deborah D. Squires, James A. Rice, Stephen W. Nixon, and Gary R. Fitzhugh
Larval and pelagic juvenile fishes collected with three types of gear in Gulf Stream and shelf waters in Onslow Bay, North Carolina, and comments on ichthyoplankton distribution and hydrography
Powell, Allyn B., David G. Lindquist, and Jonathan A. Hare
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