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Fishery Bulletin
Abundance estimates and confidence intervals for the run composition of returning salmonids
Kirk Steinhorst, Timothy Copeland, Michael W. Ackerman, William C. Schrader, and Eric C. Anderson
Flexible Bayesian analysis of the von Bertalanffy growth function with the use of a log-skew-<em>t</em> distribution
Freddy Omar López Quintero, Javier E. Contreras-Reyes, Rodrigo Wiff, and Reinaldo B. Arellano-Valle
Using logbook data to determine the immediate mortality of blue sharks (<em>Prionace glauca</em>) and tiger sharks (<em>Galeocerdo cuvier</em>) caught in the commercial U.S. pelagic longline fishery
Derek R. Dapp, Charlie Huveneers, Terence I. Walker, John Mandelman, David W. Kerstetter, and Richard D. Reina
Preliminary assessment of a direct age determination method for 3 commercially important crustaceans from Alaska
Raouf Kilada, Joel B. Webb, Kevin W. McNeel, Laura M. Slater, Quinn Smith, and Jayde Ferguson
Influence of bait type on catch rates of predatory fish species on bottom longline gear in the northern Gulf of Mexico
William B. Driggers III, Matthew D. Campbell, Kristin M. Hannan, Eric R. Hoffmayer, Christian M. Jones, Lisa M. Jones, and Adam G. Pollack
Reproductive strategy of white anglerfish (<em>Lophius piscatorius</em>) in Mediterranean waters: implications for management
Ana I. Colmenero, Víctor M. Tuset, and Pilar Sánchez
Population dynamics and secondary production of juvenile white shrimp (<em>Litopenaeus setiferus</em>) along an estuarine salinity gradient
Marvin M. Mace III and Lawrence P. Rozas
Modeling the habitat distribution of spiny dogfish (<em>Squalus acanthias</em>), by sex, in coastal waters of the northeastern United States
Andrea Dell’Apa, Maria Grazia Pennino, and Christopher Bonzek
Horizontal and vertical movements of longfin makos (<em>Isurus paucus</em>) tracked with satellitelinked tags in the northwestern Atlantic Ocean
Robert E. Hueter, John P. Tyminski, John J. Morris, Alexei Ruiz Abierno, and Jorge Angulo Valdes
Age, growth, and length–weight relationship of roosterfish (<em>Nematistius pectoralis</em>) in the eastern Pacific Ocean
Sofia Ortega-Garcia, Chugey Sepulveda, Scott Aalbers, Ulianov Jakes-Cota, and Ruben Rodriguez-Sanchez
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