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Fishery Bulletin
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Fishes of West Virginia
Goldsborough, Edmund Lee, and H. Walton Clark
Relationships of the fish fauna of the lakes of southeastern Oregon
Snyder, John Otterbein
The fishes of the coastal streams of Oregon and northern California
Snyder, John Otterbein
Fishes from islands of the Philippine Archipelago
Jordan, David Starr, and Robert Earl Richardson
The physiology of the digestive tract of elasmobranchs
Sullivan, Michael X.
The photography of aquatic animals in their natural environment
Reighard, Jacob
The fishes of the Sacramento-San Joaquin basin, with a study of their distribution and variation
Rutter, Cloudsley
Natural history, organization, and late development of the Teredinidae, or shipworms
Sigerfoos, Charles P.
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