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Fishery Bulletin
Explanation of Illustrations
Salmon investigations in the Columbia River Basin and elsewhere on the Pacific Coast in 1896
Evermann, Barton Warren, and Seth Eugene Meek
Salmon fishery of Penobscot Bay and River in 1895 and 1896
Smith, Hugh M.
The work of the United States Fish Commission from December 1, 1896, to November 3, 1897
Brice, John J.
Proceedings and papers of the National Fishery Congress, separated by article
The importance of extended scientific investigation
Bumpus, H. C.
Establishment of a biological station on the Gulf of Mexico
Taylor, W. Edgar
An economical consideration of fish parasites
Linton, Edwin
The lampreys of Central New York
Surface, H. A.
The Florida commercial sponges
Smith, Hugh M.
The Hudson River as a salmon stream
Cheney, A. Nelson
International protection for denizens of the sea and waterways
James, Bushrod W.
The green turtle, and the possibilities of its protection and consequent increase on the Florida Coast
Munroe, Ralph M.
The oyster-grounds of the west Florida Coast; their extent, condition, and peculiarities
Swift, Franklin
The Louisiana oyster industry
Zacharie, F. C.
Notes on the fishing industry of eastern Florida
Detwiler, John Y.
The methods, limitations, and results of whitefish culture in Lake Erie
Stranahan, J. J.
The red-snapper fisheries; their past, present, and future
Warren, Andrew F.
The relations between State Fish Commissions and Commercial Fisherman
Meehan, W. E.
The utility and methods of mackerel propagation
Moore, J. Percy
Florida fur-farming
Willson, J. M., Jr.
Fishes of the Klamath River Basin
Gilbert, Charles H.
Fishes found in the vicinity of Woods Hole
Smith, Hugh M.
Descriptions of new or little-known genera and species of fishes from the United States
Evermann, Barton W., and William C. Kendall
Notes on the halibut fishery of the northwest coast in 1896
Alexander, A. B.
Methods of plankton investigation in their relation to practical problems
Reighard, Jacob
The utility of a biological station on the Florida Coast in its relation to the commercial fisheries
Meek, Seth E.
Some notes on American shipworms
Sigerfoos, Charles P.
The fish fauna of Florida
Evermann, Barton W.
The protection of the lobster fishery
Herrick, Francis H.
On the feasibility of raising sponges from the egg
Wilson, H. V.
A pleas for the development and protection of Florida fish and fisheries
Henshall, James A.
The restricted inland range of shad due to artificial obstructions and its effect upon natural reproduction
Stevenson, Charles H.
Some factors in the oyster problem
Moore, H. F.
The oyster and oyster-beds of Florida
Ruge, John G.
The oyster-bars of the West Coast of Florida; their depletion and restoration
Smeltz, H. A.
Oysters and oyster-culture in Texas
Kibbe, I. P.
A brief history of the gathering of fresh-water pearls in the United States
Kunz, George F.
Some scattering reminiscences of the early days of fish-culture in the United States
Stone, Livingston
Possibilities for an increased development of Florida's fishery resources
Cobb, John N.
The large-mouthed black bass in Utah
Sharp, John
The fresh-water pearls and pearl fisheries of the United States
Kunz, George F.
Notes on the tide-pool fishes of California, with a description of four new species
Greenley, Arthur White
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