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Fishery Bulletin
Seasonal depth distribution of fish in southeastern Lake Michigan
Wells, LaRue
Passage of adult chinook salmon through Brownlee Reservoir, 1960-62
Trefethen, Parker S., and Doyle F. Sutherland
Micronekton of the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean: family composition, distribution, abundance, and relations to tuna
Blackburn, Maurice
Relation between tail length and total length for three commercially important species of penaeid shrimp
Fontaine, Clark T., and Richard A. Neal
Abundance and distribution of the larvae of the pink shrimp (Penaeus duorarum) on the Tortugas Shelf of Florida, August 1962-0ctober 1964
Munro, J. L., A. C. Jones, and D. Dimitriou
Biology of the blue crab, Callinectes sapidus Rathbun, in the St. Johns River, Florida
Tagatz, Marlin E.
Distribution, apparent abundance, and size composition of albacore (Thunnus alalunga) taken in the longline fishery based in American Samoa, 1954-65
Otsu, Tamio, and Ray F. Sumida
Supersaturation of atmospheric gases in the coastal waters of the Gulf of Maine
Stickney, Alden P.
Sea-stars of North Carolina
Gray, I. E., Maureen E. Downey, and M. J. Cerame-Vivas
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