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Fishery Bulletin
Fluctuations in the supply of herring (Clupea pallasii) in southeastern Alaska
Rounsefell, George A.
Studies on the oyster drill (Urosalpinx cinerea, Say)
Federighi, Henry
Effects of pulp mill pollution on oysters
Hopkins, A. E., Paul S. Galtsoff, and H. C. McMillin
Sensory stimulation of the oyster, Ostrea virginica, by chemicals
Hopkins, A. E.
Contributions to the early life histories of sixty-two species of fishes from Lake Erie and its tributary waters
Fish, Marie Poland
Limnological studies of Karluk Lake, Alaska, 1926-1930
Juday, C., Willish H. Rich, G. I. Kemmerer, and Albert Mann
Temperature and the shell movements of oysters
Hopkins, A. E.
Factors influencing the spawning and setting of oysters in Galveston Bay, Texas
Hopkins, A. E.
Juvenile and sex characters of Evorthodus lyricus (Fam. Gobiidae)
Ginsburg, Isaac
Rich, Willis H., and Edward M. Ball
Statistical review of the Alaska salmon fisheries. Part III: Prince William Sound, Copper River, and Bering River
Fluctuations in the supply of herring, Clupea pallashii, in Prince William Sound, Alaska
Rounsefell, George A., and Edwin H. Dahlgren
Salmon-tagging experiments in Alaska, 1930
Rich, Willis H.
Statistical review of the Alaska salmon fisheries. Part IV: Southeastern Alaska
Rich, Willis H., and Edward M. Ball
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