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Fishery Bulletin
An annotated bibliography on the biology of Pacific tunas
Shimada, Bell M.
Decline of the lake trout fishery in Lake Michigan
Hile, Ralph, Paul H. Eschmeyer, and George F. Lunger
Contributions to the biology of tunas from the western equatorial Pacific
Shimada, Bell M.
Juvenile oceanic skipjack from the Phoenix Islands
Shimada, Bell M.
Studies of Georges Bank haddock; Part I: Landing by pounds, numbers, and sizes of fish
Schuck, Howard A.
A unique bacterium pathogenic for warm-blooded and cold-blooded animals
Griffin, Philip J., and Stanislas F. Snieszko
Age, growth, and production of yellow perch in Lake Erie
Jobes, Frank W.
Comparison of yellowfin tuna of Hawaiian waters and of the American west coast
Schaefer, Milner B.
Breeding habits of lake trout in New York
Royce, William F.
Characteristics of spawning nests of Columbia River salmon
Burner, Clifford J.
Postlarval Neothunnus Macropterus, Auxis Thazard, and Euthynnus Lineatus from the Pacific coast of Central America
Mead, Giles W.
Estimation of age and growth of yellowfin tuna (Neothunnus macropterus) in Hawaiian waters by size frequencies
Moore, Harvey L.
Comparison of haddock from Georges and Browns banks
Schuck, Howard A., and Edgar L. Arnold, Jr.
Estimation of size of animal populations by marking experiments
Schaefer, Milner B.
Flounders of the genus Paralichthys and related genera in American waters
Ginsburg, Isaac
Factors influencing the orientation of migrating anadromous fishes
Collins, Gerald B.
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