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Fishery Bulletin
A larva of the poorly known serranid fish Jeboehlkia gladifer (Teleostei: Serranidae: Epinephelinae)
Carole C. Baldwin, G. David Johnson
Detecting trends in harbor porpoise abundance from aerial surveys using analysis of covariance
Karin A. Forney, Doyle A. Hanan, Jay Barlow
Apparent predation by a white shark Carcharodon carcharias on a pygmy sperm whale Kogia breviceps
Douglas J. Long
Age, Growth, and Potential Yield for Shortbelly Rockfish Sebastes jordani
Donald E. Pearson, Joseph E. Hightower, Jacqueline T.H. Chan
Satellite observed Sea-surface Temperatures and Yellowfin Tuna Catch and Effort in the Gulf of Mexico
James H. Power, L. Nelson May Jr.
Estimates of Age and Growth of Ehu Etelis carbunculus in Four Regions of the Pacific from Density of Daily Increments in Otoliths
M. Kimberly Smith, Eric Kostlan
Life History and Ecology of Large Jacks in Undisturbed, Shallow, Oceanic Communities
Anthony E. Sudekum, James D. Parrish, Richard L. Radtke, Stephen Ralston
Interannual Variation in Growth Rates and Back-Calculated Birthdate Distributions of Pelagic Juvenile Rockfishes (Sebastes spp.) off the Central California Coast
David Woodbury, Stephen Ralston
Polyspecific Nature of Tuna Schools: Shark, Dolphin, and Seabird Associates
David W. Au
Parasite Fauna of Three Species of Antarctic Whales with Reference to Their Use as Potential Stock Indicators
Murray D. Dailey, Wolfgang K. Vogelbein
Catch-per-effort and stock status in the U.S. North Pacific albacore fishery: Reappraisal of both
Pierre Kleiber, Christina Perrin
Development of Eggs and Larvae of California Halibut Paralichthys californicus and Fantail Sole Xystreurys liolepis (Pisces: Paralichthyidae)
Debra Oda
Geographic Variation in External Morphology of the Spinner Dolphin Stenella longirostris in the Eastern Pacific and Implications for Conservation
William F. Perrin, Priscilla A. Akin, Jerry V. Kashlwada
Estimating Age and Growth of Young Atlantic Blue Marlin Makalra nigricans from Otolith Microstructure
Eric D. Prince, Dennis W. Lee, James R. Zweifel, Edward B. Brothers
Distribution and Abundance of four Brachyuran Crabs on the Northwest Atlantic Shelf
Linda L. Stehlik, Clyde L. MacKenzie Jr., Wallace W. Morse
Observations on the Paralarval Ecology of a Euryhaline Squid Lolliguncula brevis (Cephalopoda: Loliginidae)
Michael Vecchione
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