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Fishery Bulletin
Identification of New England yellowtail flounder groups
Lux, Fred E.
Herring tagging experiments in Southeastern Alaska
Skud, Bernard Einar
Further studies on Fishway Slope and its effect on rate of passage of salmonids
Gauley, Joseph R., and Clark S. Thompson
Age and growth of the whitefish in Lake Superior
Dryer, William R.
Development of a mathematical relationship between electric-field parameters and the electrical characteristics of fish
Monan, Gerald E., and Derek E. Engstrom
Some aspects of the oceanography of Little Port Walter Estuary, Barnof Island, Alaska
Powers, Charles F.
Abundance, age, and fecundity of shad, York River, Va., 1953-59
Nichols, Paul R., and WIlliam H. Massmann
Theory on development of mounds near Red Bluff, Calif
Gangmark, Harold A., and F. Bruce Sanford
Comparison of growth of four strains of oysters raised in Taylors Pond, Chatham, Mass.
Shaw, William N., and James A. McCann
Model of the migration of albacore in the North Pacific Ocean
Otsu, Tamio, and Richard N. Uchida
Age, growth, and maturity of round whitefish of the Apostle Islands and Isle Royale regions, Lake Superior
Bailey, Merryll M.
Influence of water velocity upon orientation and performance of adult migrating salmonids
Weaver, Charles R.
Use of plant hemagglutinins in serological studies of clupeoid fishes
Sindermann, Carl
Early larval stages of the seabob, Xiphopenaeus krøyeri (Heller)
Renfro, William C., and Harry L. Cook
Cod groups in the New England Area
Wise, John P.
Effect of Fishway Slope on performance and biochemistry of salmonids
Collins, Gerald B., Carl H. Elling, Joseph R. Gauley, and Clark S. Thompson
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