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Temporal and spatial dynamics of spawning, settlement, and growth of gray snapper (<i>Lutjanus griseus</i>) from the West Florida shelf as determined from otolith microstructures
Allman, Robert J., and Churchill B. Grimes
Current velocity and catch efficiency in sampling settlement-stage larvae of coral-reef fishes
Anderson, Todd W., Claudine T. Bartels, Mark A. Hixon, Erich Bartels, Mark H. Carr, and Jonathan M. Shenker
Intermingling and seasonal migrations of Greenland halibut (<i>Reinhardtius hippoglossoides</i>) populations determined from tagging studies
Boje, Jesper
Improving pinniped diet analyses through identification of multiple skeletal structures in fecal samples
Browne, Patience, Jeffrey L. Laake, and Robert L. DeLong
Pinniped diet composition: a comparison of estimation models
Laake, Jeffrey L., Patience Browne, Robert L. DeLong, and Harriet R. Huber
Vertical and horizontal movements of southern bluefin tuna (<i>Thunnus maccoyii</i>) in the Great Australian Bight observed with ultrasonic telemetry
Davis, Tim L. O., and Clive A. Stanley
Turtle excluder devices -- Are the escape openings large enough?
Epperly, Sheryan P., and Wendy G. Teas
Habitat use by demersal nekton on the continental shelf in the Benguela ecosystem, southern Africa
Gibbons, Mark J., Andre J. J. Goosen, and Patti A. Wickens
Population structure of king mackerel (<i>Scomberomorus cavalla</i>) around peninsular Florida, as revealed by microsatellite DNA
Gold, John R., Elena Pak, and Doug A. DeVries
Do fluctuations in the somatic growth rate of rock lobster (<i>Jasus lalandii</i>) encompass all size classes? A re-assessment of juvenile growth
Hazell, R. W. Anthony, David S. Schoeman, and Mark N. Noffke
Stock-rebuilding time isopleths and constant-F stock-rebuilding plans for overfished stocks
Jacobson, Larry D., and Steven X. Cadrin
Nuclear and mitochondrial DNA markers for specific identification of istiophorid and xiphiid billfishes
McDowell, Jan R., and John E. Graves
Seasonal growth of King George whiting (<i>Sillaginodes punctata</i>) estimated from length-at-age samples of the legal-size harvest
McGarvey, Richard, and Anthony J. Fowler
Spatial and temporal patterns in the demersal fish community on the shelf and upper slope regions of the Gulf of Alaska
Mueter, Franz J., and Brenda L. Norcross
Age, growth, mortality, and distribution of pinfish (<i>Lagodon rhomboides</i>) in Tampa Bay and adjacent Gulf of Mexico waters
Nelson, Gary A.
Recovery of the Gulf of Maine--Georges Bank Atlantic herring (<i>Clupea harengus</i>) complex: perspectives based on bottom trawl survey data
Overholtz, William J., and Kevin D. Friedland
Recruitment of larval Atlantic menhaden (<i>Brevoortia tyrannus</i>) to North Carolina and New Jersey estuaries: evidence for larval transport northward along the east coast of the United States
Warlen, Stanley M., Kenneth W. Able, and Elisabeth Laban
Origin of immature loggerhead sea turtles (<i>Caretta caretta</i>) at Hutchinson Island, Florida: evidence from mtDNA markers
Witzell, Wayne N., Anna L. Bass, Michael J. Bresette, David A. Singewald, and Jonathan C. Gorham
Spawning of American shad (<i>Alosa sapidissima</i>) and striped bass (<i>Morone saxatilis</i>) in the Mattaponi and Pamunkey Rivers, Virginia
Bilkovic, Donna Marie, John E. Olney, and Carl H. Hershner
Spawning, growth, and overwintering size of searobins (Triglidae: <em>Prionotus carolinus</em> and<em> P. evolans</em>)
McBride, Richard S.
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