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Fishery Bulletin
Annotated bibliography on biology of menhadens and menhaden-like fishes of the world
Reintjes, John W.
A method of measuring mortality of pink salmon eggs and larvae
McNeil, William J.
Movements, growth, and rate of recapture of whitefish tagged in the Apostle Islands area of Lake Superior
Dryer, William R.
Feeding and growth of juvenile soft-shell clams, Mya arenaria
Stickney, Alden P.
A critical study of Pribilof fur seal population estimates
Chapman, D. G.
Ocean mortality and maturity schedules of Karluk River sockeye salmon and some comparisons of marine growth and mortality rates
Fredin, R. A.
Meristic variation in the hexagrammid fishes
Quast, J. C.
Ages, growth, sex ratio, and maturity of the whitefish in central Green Bay and adjacent waters of Lake Michigan
Mraz, Donald
Combined effects of temperature and salinity on development of eggs and growth of larvae of M. mercenaria, and C. virginica
Davis, Harry C., and Anthony Calabrese
Life history of lake herring in Lake Superior
Dryer, William R., and Joseph Beil
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