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Fishery Bulletin
A contagious disease of salmon possibly of virus origin
Rucker, R. R., W. J. Whipple, J. R. Parvin, and C. A. Evans
Estimation of growth rate in animals by marking experiments
Lindner, Milton J.
Phosphorus exchange in marine phytoplankton
Rice, Theodore R.
Zooplankton abundance in the central Pacific
King, Joseph, and Joan Demond
Effect of dissolved organic substances on oysters
Collier, Albert, S. M. Ray, A. W. Magnitzky, and Joe O. Bell
Population heterogeneity in the Pacific pilchard
Felin, Frances E.
Causes of fluctuations in abundance of Connecticut River shad
Fredin, Reynold A.
Fluctuactions in the fisheries of State of Michican waters of Green Bay
Hile, Ralph, George F. Lunger, and Howard J. Buettner
Spawning of yellowfin tuna in Hawaiian waters
June, Fred C.
Stabilization of the phosphate ratio of sea water by freezing
Collier, Albert W., and Kenneth T. Marvin
Food of yellowfin tuna in the central Pacific
Reintjes, John W., and Joseph E. King
Nature of variability in trawl catches
Taylor, Clyde C.
Determining age of Atlantic shad from their scales
Cating, James P.
Biotic influences affecting population growth of planktonic algae
Rice, Theodore R.
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