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Fishery Bulletin
The dangers of ignoring metapopulation structure for the conservation of salmonids
Cooper, Andrew B. , and Marc Mangel
Age and growth estimates for New Zealand hapuku, <i>Polyprion oxygeneios</i>
Francis, Malcolm P., Kevin P. Mulligan, Nick M. Davies, and Michael P. Beentjes
An analysis of the possible utility of time-area closures to minimize billfish bycatch by U.S. pelagic longlines
Goodyear, C. Phillip
Age validation and analysis of ageing error from marked and recaptured sablefish, <i>Anoplopoma fimbria</i>
Heifetz, Jonathan, Delsa Anderl, Nancy E. Maloney, and Thomas L. Rutecki
Distribution and abundance of shortraker rockfish, <i>Sebastes borealis</i>, and rougheye rockfish, <i>S. aleutianus</i>, determined from a manned submersible
Krieger, Kenneth J., and Daniel H. Ito
Nutritional dynamics during embryonic development in the viviparous genus <i>Sebastes</i> and their application to the assessment of reproductive success
MacFarlane, R. Bruce, and Elizabeth C. Norton
Metabolic rate in relation to temperature and swimming speed, and the cost of filter feeding in Atlantic menhaden, <i>Brevoortia tyrannus</i>
Macy, William K. III, Ann G. Durbin, and Edward G. Durbin
The relation between otolith size and larval size at hatching for Atlantic cod, <i>Gadus morhua</i>
Miller, Thomas J., Tomasz Herra, and William C. Leggett
Age validation and growth of larval and juvenile haddock, <i>Melanogrammus aeglefinus</i>, and pollock, <i>Pollachius virens</i>, on the Scotian Shelf
Quiñonez-Velázquez, Casimiro
Diel vertical migration by yellowtail rockfish, <i>Sebastes flavidus</i>, and its impact on acoustic biomass estimation
Stanley, Richard D., Robert Keiser, Bruce M. Leaman, and Ken D. Cooke
Variability in reactions of Pacific harbor seals, <i>Phoca vitulinarichardsi</i>, to disturbance
Suryan, Robert M. and James T. Harvey
Age, growth, longevity, and mortality of blackcheek tonguefish, <i>Symphurus plagiusa</i> (Cynoglossidae: Pleuronectiformes), in Chesapeake Bay, Virginia
Terwilliger, Mark. R. , and Thomas A. Munroe
Age distribution and growth of greater amberjack, <i>Seriola dumerili</i>, from the north-central Gulf of Mexico
Thompson, Bruce A., Marty Beasley, and Charles A. Wilson
Mercury levels in four species of sharks from the Atlantic coast of Florida
Adams, Douglas H., and Robert H. McMichael Jr.
A unique shell marker in juvenile, hatchery-reared individuals of the softshell clam, <i>Mya arenaria</i> L.
Beal, Brian F. , Robert Bayer, M. Gayle Kraus, and Samuel R. Chapman
Occurrence of neonate and juvenile sandbar sharks, <i>Carcharhinus plumbeus</i>, in the northeastern Gulf of Mexico
Carlson, John K.
Different residence times of yellowfin tuna, <i>Thunnus albacares</i>, and bigeye tuna, <i>T. obesus</i>, found in mixed aggregations over a seamount
Holland, Kim N., Pierre Kleiber, and Stephen M. Kajiura
Accuracy of at-sea commercial size grading of tiger prawns (<i>Penaeuse sculentus</i> and <i>P. semisulcatus</i>) in the Australian northern prawn fishery
O'Neill, Michael F., David J. Die, Brian R. Taylor, and Malcolm J. Faddy
Digestive tract parasites in rhynchoteuthion squid paralarvae, particularly in <i>Illex argentinus</i>, (Cephalopoda: Ommastrephidae)
Vidal, Erica A. G., and Manuel Haimovici
Diet of Pacific sleeper shark, <i>Somniosus pacificus</i>, in the the Gulf of Alaska
Yang, Mei-Sun, and Benjamin N. Page
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