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Fishery Bulletin
Estimating trends in abundance of dolphins associated with tuna in the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean, using sightings data collected on commercial tuna vessels
Stephen T. Buckland, Karen L. Cattanach, Alejandro A. Anganuzzi
Analytical correction for oversampled Atlantic mackerel Scomber scombrus eggs collected with oblique plankton tows
Denis D'Amours, Francois Gregoire
Geographic variation in population genetic structure of chinook salmon from California and Oregon
Graham A.E. Gall, Devin Bartley, Boyd Bentley, Jon Brodziak, Richard Gomulkiewicz, Marc Mangel
Comparisons of early-life-history characteristics of walleye pollock Theragra chalcogramma in Shelikof Strait, Gulf of Alaska, and Funka Bay, Hokkaido, Japan
Arthur W. Kendall Jr., Toshikuni Nakatani
Lack of biochemical genetic and morphometric evidence for discrete stocks of Northwest Atlantic herring Clupea harengus harengus
Susan E. Safford, Henry Booke
Variability of monthly catches of anchovy Engraulis encrasicolus in the Aegean Sea
Konstantinos I. Sterglou
Predicting effects of dredging on a crab population: An equivalent adult loss approach
Thomas C. Wainwright, David A. Armstrong, Paul A. Dinnel, Jose M. Orensanz, Katherine A. McGraw
Comparison of feeding and growth of larval round herring Etrumeus teres and gulf menhaden Brevoortia patronus
Welhzong Chen, John J. Govoni, Stanley M. Warlen
Geographic variation in cranial morphology of spinner dolphins Stenella longirostris in the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean
Michael E. Douglas, Gary D. Schnell, Daniel J. Hough, William F. Perrin
Fecundity, spawning, and maturity of female Dover sole, Microstomus pacificus, with an evaluation of assumptions and precision
J. Roe Hunter, Beverly J. Macewicz, N. Chyan-huei Lo, Carol A. Kimbrell
Association between the sessile barnacle Xenobalanus globicipitis (Coronulidae) and the bottlenose dolphin Tursiops truncatus (Delphinidae) from the Bay of Bengal, India, with a summary of previous records from cetaceans
Arjuna Rajaguru, Gopalsamy Shantha
ITOs in New Zealand: The era of fixed quota in perpetuity
Michael P. Sissenwine, Pamela M. Mace
Seasonality in reproductive activity and larval abundance of queen conch Strombus gigas
Allan W. Stoner, Veronique J. Sandt, Isabelle F. Boldron-Metalron
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