A History of Sockeye Salmon Research,Karluk River System, Alaska, 1880–2010by Richard Gard and Richard Lee BottorffDecember 2014 doi: 10.7755/TMSPO.125 See links below to view PDFs of specific pages, sections, and chapters. Click here to view or downloadentire book as 1 file (65 MB) CoverTitle pagePublication info.DedicationContentsAcknowledgmentsAcronymsChapter 1. Introduction Photo Supplement Chapter 2. Karluk Sockeye Salmon Research HistoryChapter 3. Karluk River WeirChapter 4. Sockeye Salmon Life HistoryChapter 5. Are Karluk River Sockeye Salmon Differentiated into Subpopulations?Chapter 6. Seasonal Run DistributionChapter 7. Limnology and Fertilization of Karluk LakeChapter 8. Stickleback—Juvenile Sockeye Salmon InteractionsChapter 9. Dolly Varden and Arctic Charr PredationChapter 10. Brown Bear Predation on Sockeye SalmonChapter 11. Theories of Population Decline and RecoveryLiterature CitedAppendix 1. GazetteerAppendix 2. GlossaryAppendix 3. Karluk TimelineAppendix 4. Kodiak Area Management Reports, 1924–2010Appendix 5. Karluk River Sockeye Salmon Daily Escapements, 1921–2010Appendix 6. Summary of Scales Collected from Karluk’s Sockeye SalmonAppendix 7. Karluk River Sockeye Salmon Ages and Life CyclesAppendix 8. Karluk Biological ResourcesAbout the AuthorsSupplementary material: Bibliography of Sockeye Salmon Research Karluk River System, Alaska