Professional Papers

The NOAA Professional Paper NMFS series (which replaced the NOAA Technical Report NMFS series in 2003) provides a flexible outlet for publishing a variety of high quality manuscripts which, owing to length or other reasons, are inappropriate for the Fishery Bulletin, such as keys, comprehensive lengthy manuscripts, FAO species synopses, Flora and Fauna subseries manuscripts, etc. The manuscripts published are equal in quality to Fishery Bulletin articles and have undergone the same rigorous peer-review process.

The PP series is not used for annotated bibliographies, lengthy data sets, or computer programs. Such materials may be more appropriately published in the Technical Memorandum series or perhaps in electronic form.
Guide for Contributors

NOAA Prof. Paper NMFS 24
NOAA Prof. Paper NMFS 24
NOAA Prof. Paper NMFS 24
NOAA Prof. Paper NMFS 24