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MFR 38(10), 1976
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Marine Fisheries Review
Inflammation and Wound Repair in Oysters
Albert K. Sparks
Parasitic Encapsulation in a Marine Prosobranch; The Role of Agranular Hemolymph Cells
Timothy P. Yoshino
Review of the Histopathological Effects of Ionizing Radiation on the Pacific Oyster, Crassostrea gigas
Michael C. Mix
Dermocystidium marinum Infection in Oysters
Frank O. Perkins
Descriptions of Polyps and Epidermal Papillomas in Three Bivalve Mollusk Species
John C. Harshbarger
Occurrence of Hematopoietic Neoplasms in Virginia Oysters (Crassostrea virginica)
E. Michael Frierman
Gonadal and Hematopoietic Neoplasms in Mya arenaria
Paul P. Yevich and Carolyn A. Barszcz
Some Observations on Comparative Vertebrate and Invertebrate Pathology: A Summary Discussion of the Workshop
Harold L. Stewart
NOAA/NMFS Developments
Identification of Proliferative Lesions in Mollusks
Thomas C. Cheng
Effects of Phenol on Clams
C. Fries and M. R. Tripp
A Proteomyxan Amoeba Stage in the Development of Labyrinthomyxa patuxent (Hogue) Mackin and Schlicht, With Remarks on the Relation of the Proteomyxids to the Neoplastic Diseases of Oysters and Clams
J. G. Mackin and Frank G. Schlicht
Minchinia nelsoni (MSX) Disease of the American Oyster
Fred G. Kern
Proliferative Disorders in Bivalve Mollusks
C. Austin Farley
A General Model for Leucocyte Cell Renewal in Bivalve Mollusks
Michael C. Mix
Dermal Lesions and Amebocytic Accumulations in Snails
Charles S. Richards
The Workshop on Molluscan Pathology: Closing Comments
Dante G. Scarpelli
Foreign Fishery Developments
Subscribe to MFR 38(10), 1976