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National Marine Fisheries Service
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Fishery Bulletin
Marine Fisheries Review
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Special Scientific Report - Fisheries (SSRF)
1. Effects of oil mixed with carbonized sand on aquatic animals
Walter A. Chipman and Paul S. Galtsoff
Preliminary designs of traveling screens to collect juvenile fish
Water quality study of Wenatchee and middle Columbia Rivers before darn construction
Robert O. Sylvester
Effects of oil mixed with carbonized sand on aquatic animals
Walter A. Chipman and Paul S. Galtsoff
Water temperature records from California's Central Valley 1939-1948
Oliver B. Cope
Effects of feeding DDT-sprayed insects to fresh-water fish
C. H. Hoffmannand E. W. Surber
Effects of various concentrations of DDT on several species of fish of different sizes
Eugene W. Surber and Clarence H. Hoffmann
Preliminary surveys of Roosevelt Lake in relation to game fishes
Harold A. Gangmark and Leonard A. Fulton
Translations of foreign literature concerning lobster culture and the early life history of the lobster
Leslie W. Scattergood
A survey of the sports fishery of the middle Atlantic bight in 1948
Raymond J. Buller and Harlan S. Spear
An investigation of oyster producing areas in Louisiana and Mississippi damaged by flood waters in 1945
Philip A. Butler
Possibilities for oyster culture in Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands
Walter A. Chipman and Paul E. Thompson
Drift bottle releases off New Jersey; a preliminary report on experiments begun in 1948
John R. Webster and Raymond J. Buller
Observations of the effect of acidiron waste disposal at sea on animal populations
Edgar L. Arnold, Jr., and William F. Royce
Biological investigations of the fishery resources of Trinity River, California
James W. Moffett and Stanford H. Smith
The rational exploitation of the sea fisheries with particular reference to the fish stock of the North Sea
G. P. Baerends
The 1950 opening of the Bonnet Carre Spillway: its effect on oysters
Philip A. Butler and James B. Engle
Studies on the Pacific pilchard or sardine (Sardinops caerulea)
Three papers on the stocks of tunas in Japanese waters
Morisaburo Tauchi
Report of investigations of skipjack and tuna resources in 1947
Nakamura Research Staff
Spawning grounds of tuna and skipjack
Larval and juvenile tunas and skipjacks
Kamakichi Kishinouye
Gonads of skipjack from Palao waters
Kizo Matsui
Age determination of fish (preliminary report 1)
Hiroaki Aikawa and Masuo Kata
Morphometry, growth, and age of tunas
translated from the Japanese language
The food habits of the yellowfin tuna Neothunnus macropterus (Schlegel) from the Celebes Sea
Hiroshi Nakamura
A study of the mackerels, cybiids, and tunas
Kamakichi Kishinouye.
Poisonous fishes of the South Seas
translated from the Japanese language
The pearl fishery of Venezuela
Paul S. Galtsoff
Ciguatera: tropical fish poisoning
William Arcisz
The pearl-oyster resources of Panama
Paul S. Galtsoff
Injured and dead fish in the vicinity of Bonneville Dam
Harry A. Hanson, Paul D. Zimmer and Ivan J. Donaldson
Pollution in the lower Columbia Basin in 1948 - with particular reference to the Willamette River.
Frederic F. Fish and Robert R. Rucker
Doctoral dissertations on the management and ecology of fisheries
prepared in the Branch of Fishery Biology
Vitamin A in selected. palecolored livers of Alaska fur seals
Victor B. Scheffer, Neva L. Karrick and F. Bruce Sanford
Albacore fishing grounds development in 1939
translated from the Japanese language
Upper Sacramento River sport fishery
Stanford H. Smith
English translations of fishery literature
Leslie W. Scattergood
Survey of the Columbia River and its tributaries - Part 3
Zell E. Parkhurst, Floyd G. Bryant and Reed S. Nielson
Survey of the Columbia River and its tributaries - Part 4
Floyd G. Bryant and Zell E. Parkhurst
Survey of the Columbia River and its tributaries - Part 5
Reed S. Nielson
Survey of the Columbia River and its tributaries - Part 6
Zell E. Parkhurst
Survey of the Columbia River and its tributaries - Part 7
Zell E. Parkhurst
Oxygen block in the main-stem Willamette River
Frederic F. Fish and Richard A. Wagner
Tuna fishing in Palau waters
translated from the Japanese language
Fishing conditions south of the Marshall Islands
translated from the Japanese language
Tuna bait resources at Saipan
translated from the Japanese language by W. G. Van Campen
Exploratory tuna fishing in Indonesian waters.
translated from the Japanese language by SCAP translators and W. G. Van Campen
Exploratory tuna fishing in the Caroline Islands.
translated from the Japanese language by W. G. Van Campen
Exploratory tuna fishing in the Marshall Islands.
translated from the Japanese language by SCAP translators and W. G. Van Campen
Japanese tuna surveys in tropical waters.
translated from the Japanese language by W. G. Van Campen
The Japanese skipjack fishery
translated from the Japanese language by W. G. Van Campen
Kishinouye's order Plecostei
translated from the Japanese language by W. G. Van Campen
Japanese skipjack studies
translated from the Japanese language by W. G. Van Campen
On the Japanese black tuna (Thunnus orientalis)
translated from the Japanese language by W. G. Van Campen
Seasonal variations in toxicity of butter clams from selected Alaska beaches
John S. Chambers and Harris W. Magnusson
Mid-Pacific oceanography, January-March 1950
Townsend Cromwell
Natural history of the sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) in Michigan.
Vernon C. Applegate
Sacramento - San Joaquin Delta fishery resources; effects of Tracy Pumping Plant and Delta Cross Channel
Leo F. Erkkila, James W. Moffett, Oliver B. Cope, Bernard R. Smith, and Reed S. Nielson
Survey of the Columbia River and its tributaries - Part 8
Zell E. Parkhurst
Fishery survey of southern coastal waters
Raymond J. Buller
Tests of hatchery foods for blueback salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) 1944-1948
Roger E. Burrows, Leslie A. Robinson and David D. Palmer
Tests of hatchery foods for blueback salmon, 1949
Leslie A. Robinson, David D. Palmer and Roger E. Burrows
Sea lamprey spawning runs in the Great Lakes in 1950
Vernon C. Applegate and Bernard R. Smith
A study of the causes of death ofbait fishes
Yasuo Suehiro
Tests of hatchery foods for blueback salmon, 1951
Leslie A. Robinson, Merl H. Payne, Jr., David D. Palmer and Roger E. Burrows
Effect of tagging on the subsequent behavior and condition of red salmon
G. J. Eicher, Jr.
A fishway that shad ascend
Gerald B. Collins
A survey of former shad streams in Maine
Clyde C. Taylor
Salmon research at Deer Creek, Calif.
Frederick K. Cramer and David F. Hammack
Sea lamprey spawning runs in the Great Lakes, 1951
Vernon C. Applegate, Bernard R. Smith, Alberton L. McLain and Matt Patterson
Water temperatures of the Willamette River Basin, 1950
Kingsley G. Weber and Lyle G. Schedin
Sea lamprey spawning; Michigan streams of Lake Superior
Howard A. Loeb and Albert E. Hall, Jr.
Establishing tuna and other pelagic fishes in ponds and tanks
Albert L. Tester
English translations of fishery literature; additional listings
Leslie W. Scattergood
Zooplankton volumes off the Pacific coast 1951
the Staff of the South Pacific Fishery Investigations
Status of Columbia River blueback salmon runs, 1951
Harold A. Gangmark and Leonard A. Fulton
Water temperatures of California's Central Valley 1949-51
Oliver B. Cope
Migrations and habitat of the tuna (Thunnus thynnus L.), studied by the method of the hooks, with abservations on growth, on the operation of the fisheries, etc.
M. Sella. R. Comitato Talassografico Italiano
Oceanographic conditions and the albacore grounds east of Cape Nojima
Translated from the Japanese language by Wilvan G. Van Campen
On the relation between the tuna fishery and oceanographic conditions
Takeshi Kawana
The Japanese tuna fishing industry
Translated from the Japanese language by Wilvan G. Van Campen
Pilchard eggs and larvae and other fish larvae, Pacific coast, 1950
Elbert H. Ahlstrom
Yellowstone lake trout creel censuses, 1950-51
Harvey L. Moore, Olive B. Cope, and Richard E. Beckwith
The tunas and their fisheries
Hiroshi Nakamura
Five Japanese papers on skipjack
Furunculosis of fish
Bruce M. McCraw
25 years of federal fishery research on the Great Lakes
Ralph Hile
Tests of hatchery foods for salmon, 1951
Roger E. Burrows, David D. Palmer, H. William Newman and Robert L. Azevedo
Doctoral dissertations on the management and ecology of fisheries; additional listings, 1952
prepared in the Branch of Fishery Biology
High speed plankton samplers
Edgar L. Arnold, Jr., and Jack W. Gehringer
Offshore fishing in Bristol Bay and Bering Sea
Joseph T. Barnaby
Experimental surface gill net fishing for skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis) in Hawaiian waters
Walter M. Matsumoto
Reaction of tunas and other fishes to stimuli.
Use of electricity in the control of sea lampreys: electromechanical weirs and traps and electrical barriers
Vernon C. Applegate, Bernard R. Smith, and Willis L. Nielsen
Directing the movement of fish with electricity
Alberton L. McLain and Willis L. Nielsen
Passage of shad at the Bonneville fishways
G. B. Talbot
Morphometric measurements of Pacific scombrids
Dorothy I. Y. Dung and William F. Royce
Destruction of undersized haddock on Georges Bank
Ernest D. Premetz
Sea lamprey spawning; Wisconsin and Minnesota streams of Lake Superior
Howard A. Loeb
Longline fishing for deep-swimming tunas in the central Pacific, 1950-51
Garth I. Murphy and Richard S. Shomura
Trial of Denil-type fish ladder on Pacific salmon
Leonard A. Fulton, Harold A. Gangmark, and Scott H. Bair
Zooplankton volumes off the Pacific coast, 1952
prepared by the Staff of the South Pacific Fishery Investigation
Fluctuation in trap net catches in the upper Mississippi River
D. W. Kelley
Pilchard eggs and larvae and other fish larvae, Pacific coast, 1951
Elbert H. Ahlstrom
Length measurements of Lake Yellowstone trout
Oliver B. Cope
Survey of the domestic tuna industry
A. W. Anderson and W. H. Stolting and associates
Use of fish products in blueback salmon diets.
Live-bait fishing for tuna in the central Pacific
Isaac I. Ikehara
Longline fishing for deep-swimming tunas in the central Pacific; Jan.- June 1952
Garth I. Murphy and Richard S. Shomura
Utilization of Alaskan salmon cannery waste, Parts 1 and 2
Maurice E. Stansby and associates
Biological effects on hard clams of hand raking and power dredging
John B. Glude and Warren S. Landers
Attempts to guide small fish with underwater sound,
Clifford J. Burner and Harvey L. Moore
Tuna longline fishery and fishing grounds
Hiroshi Nakamura
Artificial fertilization of lakes and ponds, a review of the literature
John A. Maciolek
Experimental transportation of live shad past Susquehanna River dams
Charles H. Walburg
Weakfish migration in relation to its conservation
Robert A. Nesbit
Progress in Pacific Oceanic Fishery Investigations, 1950-53
Oscar E. Sette and the staff of P. O. F. 1
Seasonal abundance of clam larvae in Rhode Island waters, 1950-52,
Warren S. Landers
Variations in zooplankton abundance in Hawaiian waters, 1950-52
Joseph E. King and Thomas S. Hida
Variability of longline catches of yellowfin tuna
Garth I. Murphy and Keith C. Elliott
Creel census and expenditure study, North Fork Sun River, Montana, 1951
prepared in the Office of Missouri River Basin Studies, Billings, Montana
Angling on Little Pigeon River, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, 1953
Robert E. Lennon
Phosphorus coment of waters along the west coast of Florida
Herbert W. Graham, John M. Amison and Kenneth T. Marvin
Pacific sardine (pilchard) eggs and larvae and other fish larvae, Pacific Coast - 1952
Elbert H. Ahlstrom
Tests on hatchery foods for salmon, 1952
H. William Newman, David D. Palmer and Roger E. Burrows
Zooplankton volumes off the Pacific Coast, 1949-50
staff of the South Pacific Fishery Investigations
Creel census and expenditure study, Madison River, Montana, 1950-52
prepared in the Office of Missouri River Basin Studies, Billings, Montana
Selected bibliography on the applications of electricity in fishery science
Vernon C. Applegate, Paul T. Macy and Virgil E. Harris
Analysis of catches of nine Japanese tuna longline expeditions to the western Pacific
Garth I. Murphy and Tamio Otsu
Destruction of undersized haddock on Georges Bank, 1952
Ernest D. Premetz, with Robert L. Cory, James W. McKee, and Craig Slater
Reaction of tuna to stimuli, 1952-53: Part I, Response of tuna to chemical stimuli, by Albert L. Tester, P. B. vanWeel, and JohnJ.Naughton; Part 2, Response of tuna to visual and visual-chemical stimuli
Sidney C. Hsiao and Albert L. Tester
Mid-Pacific oceanography 2, by Townsend Cromwell and Mid-Pacific oceanography 3
Thomas S. Austin
Zooplankton volumes off the Pacific Coast, 1953
prepared by staff of the South Pacific Fishery Investigations, U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Reaction of tuna to stimuli, 1953
Albert L. Tester, Heeny Yuen and Michio Takata
Mid-Pacific oceanography, Part 4, Transequatorial waters, Jan. -Mar. 1952
E. D. Stroup
Mid Pacific oceanography, Part 5, Transequatorial waters, May-June 1952, Aug. 1952
Thomas S. Austin
Longline fishing for deep- swimming tunas in the central Pacific, August-November 1952
Garth I. Murphy and Richard S. Shomura
A virus disease of sockeye salmon: interim report
Stanley W. Watson ,Raymond W. Guenther and Robert R. Rucker
Limnological survey of western Lake Erie
Stillman Wright
Burrowing ability of juvenile clams
John P. Baptist
Creel census and expenditure studies, Missouri River Basin, 1947-52
A. J. Nicholson and H. Milton Borges
First year of mesh regulation in the Georges Bank haddock fishery
Herbert W. Graham and Ernest D. Premetz
Effects of naval ordnance tests on the Patuxent River fishery
R. E. Tiller and C. M. Coker
Vertical distribution of zooplankton in the central equatorial Pacific, July-August 1952
Thomas S. Hida and Joseph E. King
A contribution to the knowledge of the fishes from the Bering and Chukchi seas
Anatoly P. Andriashev
Oxygen requirements of some Hawaiian tuna baitfish
Austin Pritchard
Observations of skipjack schools in Hawaiian waters, 1953
William F. Royce and Tamio Otsu
Critical review of biology and control of oyster drills Urosalpinx and Eupleura
Melbourne Romaine Carriker
Oceanographic observations in west coast Florida waters, 1949-52
Kenneth T. Marvin
Maturity and fecundity of bigeye tuna in the Pacific
Heeny S. H. Yuen
A comparative study of longline baits
Richard S. Shomura
Mid-Pacific oceanography. Part 6, Hawaiian offshore waters, December 1949-November 1951
James W. McGary
Report of an investigation of the spearfishes of Formosan waters
Hiroshi Nakamura
A summary of sightings of fish schools and bird flocks and trolling in the central Pacific
Garth I. Murphy and Isaac I. Ikehara
Pacific sardine (pilchard) eggs and larvae and other fish larvae, Pacific Coast, 1953
Elbert H. Ahlstrom and David Kramer
Spring and summer distribution of haddock on Georges Bank
John B. Colton
Longline fishing for deep- swimming tunas in the central Pacific, 1953
Richard S. Shomura and Garth I. Murphy
Exploratory experiments in guiding salmon fingerlings by a narrow D.C. electric field
Parker S. Trefethen.
Movements of small soft- shell clams (Mya arenaria)
Osgood R. Smith
Tests of hatchery foods for salmon, 1953 and 1954
Bobby D. Combs, David D. Palmer, John H. Finucane, and Roger E. Burrows
Zooplankton volumes off the Pacific Coast, 1954
prepared by the Staff of the South Pacific Fishery Investigations, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
Size frequencies and growth of central and eastern Pacific bigeye tuna
Edwin S. Iversen
Commercial fishery for chubs (ciscoes) in Lake Michigan through 1953
Ralph Hile and Howard J. Buettner
Mid-Pacific oceanography. Part 7, Hawaiian offshore waters, September 1952 - August 1953
Gunter R. Seckel
Food habits of Georges Bank haddock
Ronald L. Wigley
Studies on an ichthyosporidium infection in fish: Transmission and host specificity
Paul V. Gustafson and Robert R. Rucker
Passage of fission products through the skin of tuna
Walter A. Chipman
Mid-Pacific oceanography. Part 9, Operation Norpac
J. W. McGary, E. C. Jones, and T. S. Austin
Translation of average year's fishing condition of tuna longline fisheries, 1952 edition
edited by Nankai Regional Fisheries Research Laboratory
Use of infrared radiation in the study of fish behavior
Rea E. Duncan
January to April distribution of the common shrimp on the south Atlantic Continental Shelf
William W. Anderson
Effects of sound waves on young salmon
Harvey L. Moore and H. William Newman
Central north Pacific albacore surveys, January 1954-February 1955,
Richard S. Shomura and Tamio Otsu
Size variation of central and western Pacific yellowfin tuna,
Edwin S. Iversen
. Sea lamprey control on the Great Lakes, 1953 and 1954
Leo F. Erkkila, Bernard R. Smith, and Alberton L. McLain
English translations of fishery literature, further listings
Leslie W. Scattergood
Zooplankton volumes off the Pacific Coast, 1955
the Staff of the South Pacific Fishery Investigations
Physical oceanographic, biological, and chemical data, south Atlantic Coast of the United States M/V Theodore.N. Gill, cruise 1
William W. Anderson, Jack W. Gehringer, and Edward Cohen
Sonic equipment for tracking individual fish
Parker S. Trefethen
Mid-Pacific oceanography. Part 8, Middle latitude waters, January March 1954
James W. McGary and E. D. Stroup
Underwater telemeter for depth and temperature
F. H. Stephens, Jr., and F. J. Shea
Japanese albacore and bigeye tuna size composition studies.
translated from the Japanese language by W. G. Van Campen
Observations on serology of tuna.
John E. Cushing, Jr.
Longline fishing for tuna in the central equatorial Pacific, 1954
Edwin S. Iversen and Howard O. Yoshida
Blueback salmon, Oncorhynchus nerka -age and length at seaward migration past Bonneville Darn
Raymond E. Anas and Joseph R. Gauley
Sardine eggs and larvae and other fish larvae, Pacific Coast, 1954
Elbert H. Ahlstrom and David Kramer
Commercial and sport shad fisheries of the Edisto River, South Carolina, 1955.
Charles H. Walburg
Relative areal zooplankton abundance off the Pacific Coast
James R. Thrailkill
Fluctuations in abundance of Columbia River chinook salmon, 1928- 54
Harold A. Gangmark
Saury distribution and abundance, Pacific Coast, 1950-55
Elbert H. Ahlstrom and Harold D. Casey
Shad fishery of the Ogeechee River, Georgia, in 1954
James E. Sykes
Three Russian papers on northwestern Pacific plankton
translated by W. G. Van Campen
Underwater television vehicle for use in fisheries research
R. F. Sand and R. L. McNeely
Preparation of a dry product from condens ed menhaden solubles: Statistical analysis of the data (Supplement to the Fish and Wildlife Service Research Report 45)
C. F. Lee and R.J.Monroe
Stream surveys of the Sheepscot and Ducktrap River systems in Maine
Floyd G. Bryant
Collections by the Oregon in the Gulf of Mexico (list of crustaceans, mollusks, and fishes identified from collections made by the exploratory fishing vessel Oregon in the Gulf of Mexico and adjacent seas, 1950 through 1955)
Stewart Springer and Harvey R. Bullis, Jr.
Nature of green or offcolor condition in precooked yellowfin tuna
John J. Naughton, Michael M. Frodyma, and Harry Zeitlin
Physical oceanographic, biological, and chemical data, south Atlantic Coast of the United States Theodore N. Gill, cruise 2,
William W. Anderson, Jack W. Gehringer, and Edward Cohen
Gulf-2, semiautomatic plankton sampler for inboard use
Albert Collier
Canned fish and shellfish preferences of household consumers, 1956.
Results of a national survey conducted under contract to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
Preliminary report on expedition EASTROPIC,
Joseph E. King, Thomas S. Austin, and Maxwell S. Doty
Creel census on the Upper Mississippi River
John Greenbank
Longline and troll fishing for tuna in the central equatorial Pacific, January 1955 to February 1956
Edwin S. Iversen and Howard O. Yoshida
Comparative study of populations of the striped bass
Robert Minturn Lewis
Experimental fishing to determine distribution of salmon in the north Pacific Ocean, 1955
Donald E. Powell and Alvin E. Peterson
Neuse River shad investigations, 1953
Charles H. Walburg
Toxicity of 4,346 chemicals to larval lampreys and fishes
Vernon C. Applegate, John H. Howell, A. E. Hall, Jr., and Manning A. Smith
Contributions to the study of subpopulations of fishes.
John C. Marr
Guide to literature on systematic biology of Pacific salmon
Norman J. Wilimovsky and Warren O. Freihofer
Physical oceanographic, biological, and chemical data, south Atlantic Coast of the United States Theodore N. Gill cruise 3
William W. Anderson and Jack W. Gehringer
The effects of unialgal and bacteria-free cultures of Gymnodinium brevis on fish and notes on related studies with bacteria
S. M. Ray and William B. Wilson
Central north Pacific albacore surveys, May to November 1955
Joseph J. Graham
History of the great fishery of Newfoundland
Robert de Loture
Surface water temperatures along Atlantic and Gulf Coasts of the United States,
Dean F. Bumpus
Chaetognaths and pteropods as biological indicators in the north Pacific
Thomas S. Hida
Morphometric study of the striped bass, Roccus saxatilis
William A. Lund, Jr.
Summary, oceanographic and fishery data, Marquesas Islands area, August-September 1956 (EQUAPAC)
Thomas S. Austin
Fish and shellfish consumption in public eating and drinking places. Volume 1. Regional, type of establishment, city size and sales size analysis of United States total response to questionnaire.
The spawning behavior of the channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus,
Howard P. Clemens and Kermit E. Sneed
Migrations of the horseshoe crab, <i>Limulus polyphemus</i>, in Plum Island Sound, Massachusetts
John P. Baptist, Osgood R. Smith, and John W. Ropes
Zooplankton abundance in Hawaiian waters, 1953-54
Joseph E. King and Thomas S. Hida.
Survey of the ocean fisheries off Delaware Bay
Fred C. June and John W. Reintjes
The response of tuna and other fish to electrical stimuli
Iwao Miyake and Walter R. Steiger
Sardine eggs and larvae and other fish larvae, Pacific Coast, 1955
Elbert H. Ahlstrom and David Kramer
Studies on tilapia as skipjack bait
Joseph E. King and Peter T. Wilson
U.S. Federal fishery research on the Great Lakes through 1956
Ralph Hile
English translations of fishery literature, additional listings, 1957
Leslie W. Scattergood
Photographic device for accurately measuring fish
Clifford W. Long and Raymond A. Arzylowicz
History of Red Lakes fishery, 1917-38, with observations on population status
John Van Oosten and Hilary J. Deason
Oceanographic and meteorological observations in the northeast and central North Pacific, July-December 1956
Richard J. Callaway
Studies on the marking of commercial shrimp with biological stains
C. E. Dawson
Zooplankton volumes off the Pacific Coast, 1956
James R. Thrailkill
Oceanographic observations, 1956, east coast of the United States
D.F. Bumpus
Physical oceanographic, biological, and chemical data, south Atlantic Coast of the United States, M/V Theodore N. Gill cruise 4
William W. Anderson and Jack W. Gehringer
Survey of shrimp fisheries of Central and South America
Milton J. Lindner
Downstream movement of salmonids at Bonneville Darn
Joseph E. Gauley, Raymond E. Anas, and Lewis C. Schlotterbeck
Food of salmonid fishes of the western north Pacific Ocean
George H. Allen and William Aron
Marquesas area oceanographic and fishery data January-March 1957
Robert C. Wilson and Murice O. Rinkel
Water quality studies in the Columbia River Basin
Robert O. Sylvester
Selected references on the channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus
Carl D. Riggs
Hull insurance and protection and indemnity insurance of commercial fishing vessels
Warner C. Danforth and Chris A. Theodore
Drift bottle records for Gulf of Maine and Georges Bank
Dean F. Bumpus and C. Godfrey Day
Wind atlas of the north Pacific
James W. McGary and Thomas M. Naito
Use of diagnostic X-ray for determining vertebral numbers of fish
Doyle F. Sutherland
Cod and hydrography - a review
John P. Wise
Diversion of adult salmon by an electrical field
Roger E. Burrows
Further studies on green or offcolor condition in precooked yellowfin tuna
John J. Naughton, Michael M. Frodyma, and Harry Zeitlin
Physical oceanographic, biological, and chemical data, south Atlantic Coast of the United States
M/V Theodore N. Gill cruise 5, by William W. Anderson and Jack W. Gehringer
Gulf of Mexico physical and chemical data from Alaska cruises, compiled by Albert Collier, with a note on some aspects of the physical oceanography of the Gulf of Mexico
Kenneth H. Drummond and George B. Austin, Jr.
Catch rate, size, sex, and food of tunas and other pelagic fishes taken by trolling off Oahu, Hawaii, 1951- 55
Albert L. Tester and Eugene L. Nakamura
Sardine eggs and larvae and other fish larvae, Pacific Coast, 1956
Elbert H. Ahlstrom
Oceanographic observations in the central North Pacific, September 1954-August 1955
James W. McGary and Edward D. Stroup
Sodium cyanide as a fish poison
W. R. Bridges
Foreign shrimp fisheries other than Central and South America
compiled in Branch of Economics, Bureau of Commercial Fisheries
Rapid counting of Nematoda in salmon by peptic digestion
Joseph A. Stern, Diptiman Chakravarti, Joseph R.Uzmann, and Mary N. Hesselholt
Length-weight relation in the common or white shrimp, Penaeus setiferus
William W. Anderson and Milton J. Linder
Serological differentiation of populations of sockeye salmon, Oncorhynchus nerka
G. J. Ridgway, J. E. Cushing, and G. L. Durall
Progress report on Alaska fisheries management and research, 1957
prepared by the Staff of the Alaska Region, Bureau of Commercial Fisheries
Age, length, and body weight of salmon caught by Japanese high-seas fleets in north Pacific. A preliminary report
George Tanonaka
Nutritive value of pollock fish scales as determined by rat feeding tests
Donald G. Snyder and Hugo W. Nilson
Plastic standpipe for sampling streambed environment of salmon spawn
Harold A. Gangmark and Richard G. Bakkala
Corrosion resistance of fish tagging pins
Albert C. Jensen
Jack mackerel eggs, Pacific Coast, 1951-54
David A. Farris
English translations of fishery literature, additional listings, 1958
Leslie W. Scattergood
Physical oceanographic, biological, and chemical data, south Atlantic Coast of the United States, M/V Theodore N. Gill cruise 6
William W. Anderson and Jack W. Gehringer
Species composition of industrial trawl landings in New England, 1957
Robert L. Edwards
Surface-current studies of Saginaw Bay and Lake Huron, 1956
James H. Johnson
Water quality studies in the Wenatchee River Basin
Robert Wendell Seabloom
Gulf of Mexico plankton investigations, 1951- 53
Edgar L. Arnold, Jr.
Large-scale experimental test of copper sulfate as a control for the Florida red tide
George A. Rounsefell and John E. Evans
A laboratory for fish behavior studies
H. William Newman
Doctoral dissertations on the management and ecology of fisheries, additional listings, 1952- 55
Harvey L. Moore
Background information for voluntary grade standards on natural sponges
Robert B. Bennett
Observations of molting female king crabs (Paralithodes camtschatica)
Henry M. Sakuda
Spawning escapement of Okanogan River blueback salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka)
Donovan R. Craddock
A list of references on the biology of shrimp (family Penaeidae)
Edward Chin and Donald M. Allen
Survey of the United States shrimp industry, Volume 1
prepared in Branch of Economics, Bureau of Commercial Fisheries
Physical oceanographic, biological, and chemical data, south Atlantic Coast of the United States, M/V Theodore N. Gill cruise 7
William W. Anderson and Jack W. Gehringer
Physical, chemical, and biological oceanographic observations obtained on expedition SCOPE in the eastern tropical Pacific, November December 1956
Robert W. Holmes and other members of the Scripps Cooperative Oceanic Productivity Expedition
Applications of salt in electrofishing
Robert E. Lennon and Phillip S. Parker
Water-soluble vitamin requirements of silver salmon
John A. Coates and John E. Halver
Oceanographic observations, 1957, east coast of the United States
C. Godfrey Day
Marquesas area fishery and environmental data, October 1957 June 1958
Robert C. Wilson, Eugene L. Nakamura, and H. O. Yoshida
Publications of the United States Bureau of Fisheries, 1871-1940
Barbara B. Aller
Estimating maximum fishing depth of longline gear with chemical sounding tubes
Joseph J. Graham and Dorothy D. Stewart
Methods of infecting trout with kidney disease and some effects of temperature on experimental infections
Ken Wolf and C. E. Dunbar
The electrical resistivity meter in fishery investigations,
Robert E. Lennon
Intermediary metabolism of fishes and other aquatic animals,
M. Gumbmann, W. Duane Brown, and A. L. Tappel
Counts of red tide organisms, Gymnodinium breve, and associated oceanographic data from Florida west coast, 1954-57
John H. Finucane and Alexander Dragovich
Water quality study of Wenatchee and middle Columbia Rivers before darn construction
Robert O. Sylvester
Stomach contents of the Bering Sea king crab
Patsy A. McLaughlin and James F. Hebard
North Pacific and Bering Sea oceanography, 1957
Felix Favorite and Glenn M. Pedersen
Currents in southeastern Bering Sea and possible effects upon king crab larvae
James F. Hebard
Progress report on Alaska fishery management and research, 1958
the Staff of the Alaska Region, Bureau of Commercial Fisheries
Fish and shellfish consumption in public eating and drinking places. Volume 2
Etiology of sockeye salmon "virus" disease
Raymond W. Guenther, S. W. Watson, and R. R. Rucker, with addendum by A. J. Ross and R. R. Rucker
Lake Superior limnological data, 1951-1957
Alfred M. Beeton, James H. Johnson, and Stanford H. Smith
298. Leading adult squawfish (Ptychocheilus oregonesis) within an electric field
Galen H. Maxfield, Kenneth L. Liscom, and Robert H. Lander
Fishway capacity experiment, 1956
Carl H. Elling and Howard L. Raymond
Passage of sa1monoids through a darkened fishway
Clifford W. Long
The problem of fishway capacity
Robert H. Lander
Experimental fishing to determine distribution of salmon in the north Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea, 1956
Mitchell G. Hanavan and George K. Tanonaka
Physical oceanographic, biological, and chemical data, south Atlantic Coast of the United States, M/V Theodore N. Gill cruise 8
William W. Anderson and Jack W. Gehringer
Biology of chinook and blueback salmon and steelhead in the Wenatchee River system
Robert R. French and Roy J. Wahle
Stream catalog of eastern section of Ketchikan Management District of southeastern Alaska
John Wilson Martin
The reclamation of Indian and Abrams Creeks, Great Smoky Mountains National Park
Robert E. Lennon and Phillip S. Parker
Survey of the United States shrimp industry. Volume 2
Prepared in Branch of Economics, Bureau of Commercial Fisheries
Ecology of the Sheepscot River estuary
Alden P. Stickney
Northeastern Pacific albacore survey. Part 1, Biological observations
Joseph J. Graham
Bristol Bay oceanography, August-September 1938
Felix Favorite and Glenn Pedersen
North Pacific and Bering Sea oceanography, 1958
Felix Favorite and Glenn Pedersen
Physical oceanographic, biological, and chemical data, south Atlantic Coast of the United States, M/V Theodore N. Gill cruise 9
William W. Anderson and Jack W. Gehringer
Sources of hydrographic and meteorological data on the Great Lakes
Charles F. Powers, David L. Jones, and John C. Ayers
Northeastern Pacific albacore survey. Part 2 - Oceanographic and meteorological observations
Richard J. Callaway and James W. McGary
Lethal doses of several commercial chemicals for fingerling channel catfish
Howard P. Clemens a.nd Kermit E. Sneed
Age and size composition of the menhaden catch along the Atlantic Coast of the United States, 1952- 55, with a brief review of the commercial fishery
Fred C. June and John W. Reintjes
Oceanographic observations, 1958, east coast of the United States
C. Godfrey Day
Effect of field polarity in guiding salmon fingerlings by electricity
H. William Newman
Development and operation of television for studying fish behavior in otter trawls
John R. Clark, Robert Livingstone, Jr., and James M. Crossen
Herring spawning surveys in Southeastern Alaska
Bernard Einar Skud
Temperatures of Lake Michigan, 1930-32
John Van Oosten
Indices of mean monthly geostrophic wind over the north Pacific Ocean
Laurence E. Eber and Oscar E. Sette
Blood types in Pacific salmon
George J. Ridgway and George W. Klontz
Observations on habits and a method of trapping channeled whelks near Chatham, Massachusetts,
William N. Shaw
Zooplankton volumes off the Pacific Coast, 1957
James R. Thrailkill
The herring of the north European basin and adjacent seas.
Translations from the Russian, edited by Leslie W. Scattergood.
Sardine eggs and larvae and other fish larvae, Pacific Coast, 1957
Elbert H. Ahlstrom
Use of fish pituitaries to induce spawning in channel catfish
Kermit E. Sneed and Howard P. Clemens
A photoelectric current meter
H. C. Boyar and F. E. Schueler
The eastern Hokkaido landbased salmon fishery of Japan
Lorry M. Nakatsu
Mycobacterial infections in adult salmon and steelhead trout returning to the Columbia River Basin and other areas in 1957
A. John Ross, Brian J. Earp, and James W. Wood
The occurrence and significance of trimethylamine oxide in marine animals.
Herman C. Groninger
Limnological survey of eastern and central Lake Erie, 1928-29
Charles J. Fish and associates.
Fish marketing and consumption in the Pacific Coast States
S. Kent Christensen and Russell M. Boshell
Age and size composition of the menhaden catch along the Atlantic Coast of the United States, 1956, with a brief review of the commercial fishery
Fred C. June and John W. Reintjes
The application of paper chromatography in identifying tuna larvae
Walter M. Matsumoto
Surface currents in Lake Michigan, 1954 and 1955
James H. Johnson
Fishes taken in the menhaden fishery of Alabama, Mississippi, and eastern Louisiana
J. Y. Christmas, Gordon Gunter, and Edward C. Whatley
Further experiments in fishway capacity, 1957
Carl H. Elling
Microhematocrit as a tool in fishery research and management
S. F. Snieszko, assisted by Jimmy E. Camper, Fred J. Howard, and Lyle L. Pettijohn
A census of the California gray whale
Raymond M. Gilmore
Manufacturing-plant food services as markets for fish and shellfish
prepared in Branch of Economics
Observations on fishes and other biota of East Lagoon, Galveston Island
Edgar L. Arnold, Jr., RayS. Wheeler, and Kenneth N. Baxter
Physical, chemical, and biological observations in the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean Scot expedition, April-June 1958,
Robert W. Holmes and Maurice Blackburn
Species composition of industrial trawl-fish landings in New England, 1958
Robert L. Edwards and Lewis Lawday
Survey of the ocean fisheries off Delaware Bay. Supplement Report, 1954-57
John W. Reintjes and Charles M. Roithmayr
Marquesas area fishery and environmental data, January-March 1959
Howard O. Yoshida
Chemical analyses of marine and estuarine waters used by the Galveston Biological Laboratory
Kenneth T. Marvin, Zoula P. Zein-Eldin, Billie Z. May, and Larence M. Lansford
Effect of fishway slope on rate of passage of salmonids
Joseph R. Gauley
Creel census Connecticut River shad sport fishery, 1957-58, and estimate of catch, 1941-56
Paul R. Nichols and Marlin E. Tagatz
Parasites in summer-caught Pacific rockfishes
John Liston, John Peters, and Joseph A. Stern
Use of dynamite to recover tagged salmon
Richard W. Tyler
The abundance and distribution of hard clams in Nantucket Sound, Massachusetts, 1958
John W. Ropes and Charles E. Martin
Capturing tagged red salmon with pulsed direct current
Richard B. Thompson
Size distribution of pink shrimp Penaeus duorarum, and fleet concentrations on the Tortugas fishing grounds
Edwin S. Iversen, Andrew E. Jones, and C. P. Idyll
Holding ponds for adult salmon
Roger E. Burrows
Biological and oceanographic observations in the central north Pacific July-September 1958
James W. McGary and Joseph J. Graham
Oceanographic observations, 1959, east coast of the United States
C. Godfrey Day
Passamaquoddy fisheries investigations, 1957-1958
Report to the International Joint Commission by International Passamaquoddy Fisheries Board.
Reference sources for marine mammalogy
Gerald J. Oppenheimer
Main-stem and tributary sampling of red salmon scales for population studies
Ted S. Y. Koo and Howard D. Smith
A review of literature on menhaden with special reference to the Gulf of Mexico menhaden, Brevoortia patronus Goode
Gordon Gunter and J. Y. Christmas
Salmon runs - upper Columbia River, 1956-57
R. R. French and R. J. Wahle
Study of food preference and rate of feeding of Japanese oyster drill, Ocinebra japonica (Dunker)
Kenneth K. Chew
Physical and chemical data for bottom sediments south Atlantic Coast of the United States, M/V Theodore N. Gill cruises 1-9
Joseph E. Moore and Donn S. Gorsline
Scallop resource of the United States Passamaquoddy area,
Robert L. Dow and Frederick T. Baird, Jr.
A morphometric study of silver hake
John T. Conover, Raymond L. Fritz, and Manuel Vieira
Counts of red tide organisms, Gymnodinium breve, and associated oceanographic data from Florida west coast, 1957-59
Alexander Dragovich, John H. Finucane, and Billie Z.
Status of fresh-water mussel stocks in the Tennessee River
George D. Scruggs, Jr.
Experimental harvest of the Steller sea lion in Alaskan waters
Fredrik V. Thorsteinson, Richard W. Nelson, and Dexter F. Lall
Relative abundance of plankton off Naples, Florida, and associated hydrographic data, 1956-57
Alexander Dragovich
Age and size composition of the menhaden catch along the Atlantic Coast of the United States, 1957, with a brief review of the commercial fishery
Fred C. June
Zooplankton volumes off the Pacific Coast, 1958
James R. Thrailkill
New England haddock fishery biostatistics--1956
John R. Clark and Frank A. Dreyer
Methods for lipid analysis, an annotated bibliography
Alvin L. Jensen
North Pacific and Bering Sea oceanography, 1959
Felix Favorite, Richard J. Callaway, and James F. Hebard
Drift bottle records for the Gulf of Maine, Georges Bank and Bay of Fundy, 1956-58
Dean F. Bumpus
Stomach content analysis of troll-caught king and coho salmon, southeastern Alaska, 1957-58
Gerald M. Reid
Water temperatures off the south Atlantic Coast of the United States, Theodore N. Gill cruises 1-9, 1953-54
William W. Anderson, Joseph E. Moore, and Herbert R. Gordy
Oceanographic observations in Bristol Bay and the Bering Sea, 1939-41 (USCGT Redwing)
Felix Favorite, John W. Schantz, and Charles R. Hebard
A modified Beckman model DU Spectrophometer for seagoing use
Robert W. Holmes and Robert J. Linn
Second survey of the occurrence of parasites and blemishes in Pacific ocean perch, Sebastodes alutus, May-June 1959
John Liston and Charles R. Hitz
Graphic presentation of Pacific sardine age composition data
Robert S. Wolf
Sea surface temperature monthly average and anomaly charts, northeastern Pacific Ocean, 1947-58
James H. Johnson
Oceanographic observations made during a cooperative survey of albacore (Thunnus germo) off the North American west coast in 1959
Joseph J. Graham and William L. Craig
Downstream movement of lampreys and fishes in the Carp Lake River, Michigan
Vernon C. Applegate
Tolerance of striped bass and American shad to changes of temperature and salinity
Marlin E. Tagatz
Oceanic salinities off the south Atlantic Coast of the United States, Theodore N. Gill cruises 1-9, 1953-54
William-W. Anderson, Joseph E. Moore, and Herbert R. Gordy
Seasonal occurrence of marine fishes in four shore habitats near Beaufort, N.C., 1957-60
Marlin E. Tagatz and Donnie L. Dudley
Effects of DDT spray on fish and aquatic insects in Gallatin River drainage in Montana
W. R. Bridges and Austin K. Andrews
Effects of DDT spray on stream bottom organisms in two mountain streams in Georgia
Paul J. Frey
Menhaden eggs and larvae from M/V Theodore N. Gill cruises, south Atlantic Coast of the United States, 1953-54
John W. Reintjes
Annual fish passage report Rock Island Dam, Columbia River, Washington, 1959
Paul D. Zimmer, Clifton C. Davidson, and Floyd S. Anders
The trout fishery in Shenandoah National Park
Robert E. Lennon
Oceanographic and biological data, Hawaiian waters, January-October 1959
Kenneth Sherman and Robert P. Brown
Winter water temperatures and an annotated list of fishes--Nantucket Shoals to Cape Hatteras, Albatross III cruise no. 126
Robert L. Edwards, Robert Livingstone, Jr., and Paul E. Hamer
Distribution offish eggs and larvae, temperature, and salinity in the Georges Bank-Gulf of Maine area, 1953
Robert R. Marak and John B. Colton, Jr.
Some effects of DDT on the guppy and the brown trout
Susan Frances King
Tuna oceanography in the eastern tropical Pacific,
Maurice Blackburn and associates
Survey of the benthic invertebrate fauna of the eastern Bering Sea
Patsy, A. McLaughlin
Variations in the dissolved oxygen content of intragravel water in four spawning streams of southeastern Alaska
William J. McNeil
Attempts to guide small fish with underwater sound
Clifford J. Burner and Harvey L. Moore
An oceanographic study of the Gulf of Tehuantepec
Maurice BlackQurn
Interchange of stream and intragravel water in a salmon spawning riffle
Walter G. Vaux
Oceanographic observations, 1960, east coast of the United States
C. Godfrey Day
Waterflow through a salmon spawning riffle in southeastern Alaska
William L. Sheridan
Variability in pink salmon escapements estimated from surveys on foot
William L.Sheridan
Conversion of "whole" and "headless" weights in commercial Gulf of Mexico shrimps
Joseph H. Kutkuhn
Spring and summer temperatures of streams tributary to the south shore of Lake Superior, 1950-60
Bernard R. Smith
Distribution of fish eggs and larvae, temperature, and salinity in the Georges Bank-Gulf of Maine area, 1955
Robert R. Marak, John B. Colton, Jr., and Donald B. Foster
Distribution of fish eggs and larvae, temperature, and salinity in the Georges Bank-Gulf of Maine area, 1956
Robert R. Marak, John B. Colton, Jr., Donald B. Foster, and David Miller
Surface currents of Lake Michigan, 1931 and 1932
John Van Oosten
Zooplankton volumes off the Pacific Coast, 1959
James R. Thrailkill
Pacific Tuna Biology Conference, August 14-19, 1961, Honolulu, Hawaii
edited by John C. Marr
Marking sockeye salmon scales by short periods of starvation
Richard L. Major and Donovan R. Craddock
Distribution and seasonal movements of Saginaw Bay fishes
Ira A. Carr
Use of mobile bioassay equipment in the chemical control of sea lamprey
John H. Howell and William M. Marquette
Annual fish passage report Rock Island Dam, Columbia River, Washington, 1960
Paul D. Zimmer and Clifton C. Davidson
Physical, chemical, and biological observations in the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean: three cruises to the Gulf of Tehuantepec, 1958-59
Maurice Blackburn, Raymond C. Griffiths, Robert W. Holmes, and William H. Thomas
Annual fish passage report Rock Island Dam, Columbia River, Washington, 1961
Paul D. Zimmer and John H. Broughton
Records and observations from plankton grid studies off Baja California, April 1952
David Kramer
The composition, abundance, and depth distribution of the 1957 summer net zooplankton of Bare Lake, Alaska, after fertilization
Robert F. Raleigh
Photographic census of the Steller sea lion herds in Alaska, 1956- 58
Ole A. Mathisen and Ron J. Lopp
Chum salmon resources of Alaska from Bristol Bay to Point Hope
Chester R. Mattson
An electrical oxygen-temperature meter for fishery biologists
Kermit E. Sneed and Harry K. Dupree
Whirling disease of trouts caused by Myxosoma cerebralis in the United States
Glenn L. Hoffman, Clarence E. Dunbar, and Arthur Bradford
An evaluation of fyke trapping as a means of indexing salmon escapements in turbid streams
Howard D. Tait, Jerry L. Hout, and Fredrik V. Thorsteinson
Estimating abundance of pink and chum salmon fry in Prince William Sound, 1957
Howard D. Tait and James B. Kirkwood.
The length, age, and sex ratio of chum salmon in the Alaska Peninsula, Kodiak Island, and Prince William Sound areas of Alaska
Fredrik V. Thorsteins on, Wallace H. Noerenberg, and Howard D. Smith
A list of the marine mammals of the world,
Victor B. Scheffer and Dale W. Rice
Protein and calorie levels of meat- meal, vitamin- supplemented salmon diets
Bobby D. Combs, Wilton W. Heinemann, Roger E. Burrows, Allan E. Thomas, and Laurie G. Fowler.
The preparation of marine phytoplankton for microscopic examination and enumeration on molecular filters
Robert W. Holmes.
Distribution of fishing by purse seine vessels for Atlantic menhaden, 1955-59
Charles M. Roithmayr.
Variation in vertebral numbers of juvenile Atlantic menhaden
Doyle F. Sutherland.
Oceanographic and biological data, Hawaiian waters, January-July 1961
Kenneth Sherman and Robert P. Brown
Fall chinook salmon returns to hatcheries in the Bonneville Dam pool area, 1945- 60
Eugene M. Maltzeff and Paul D. Zimmer
Length and age frequency samples collected from Georges Bank haddock landings, 1931-55
James A. McCann and Frank A. Dreyer
Length and age frequency samples collected from Georges Bank and Gulf of Maine haddock landings, 1956-60
James A. McCann and Frank A. Dreyer
The king salmon of Cook Inlet, Alaska
Robert M. Yancey and Fredrik V. Thorsteinson
The bathykymograph, a depthtime recorder
Frank J. Hester, Donald C. Aasted, and Robert W. Gilkey
Sea surface temperature monthly average and anomaly charts, eastern tropical Pacific Ocean, 1947-58
James A. Renner
Progress report - spring chinook salmon transplantation study, 1955-61
Paul D. Zimmer, Roy J. Wahle, and Eugene M. Maltzeff
Northeast Pacific albacore oceanography survey, 1961
R. W. Owen, Jr.
Factors influencing the return of fall chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) to Spring Creek Hatchery
Charles O. Junge, Jr., and Lloyd A. Phinney
Age and size composition of the menhaden catch along the Atlantic Coast of the United States, 1958, with a brief review of the commercial fishery
Fred C. June and William R. Nicholson
The spiny dogfish (Squalus acanthias) in the northeastern Pacific
Dayton L. Alverson and Maurice E. Stansby
Crab larvae (Callinectes), in plankton collections from cruises of M/V Theodore N. Gill, south Atlantic Coast of the United States, 1953-54
Paul R. Nichols and Peggy M. Keney
Distribution and relative abundance of commercially important pandalid shrimps in the northeastern Pacific Ocean
Lael L. Ronholt
Molt in the northern fur seal
Victor B. Scheffer and Ancel M. Johnson
A method for tagging immature herring
John E. Watson.
A towed pump and shipboard filtering system for sampling small zooplankters
Charles P. O'Connell and Roderick J. H. Leong
Stream catalog of southeastern Alaska Regulatory District no. 2
edited by Russell F. Orrell and Edward Klinkhart
Fur seal investigations, Pribilof Islands, Alaska, 1962
Alton Y. Roppel, Ancel M. Johnson, Richard D. Bauer, Douglas G. Chapman, and Ford Wilke.
Counts of red-tide organisms, Gymnodinium breve, and associated oceanographic data from Florida west coast, 1960- 61
Alexander Dragovich, John H. Finucane, John A. Kelly, Jr., and Billie Z. May
Ecological studies of sockeye salmon and related limnological and climatological investigations, Brooks Lake, Alaska, 1957
Theodore R. Merrell, Jr.
Physical oceanographic studies of Narragans ett Bay, 1957 and 1958
Steacy D. Hicks
Movements of king crabs tagged and released in Shumagin Islands area, 1957-62
Murray L. Hayes and Donald T. Montgomery
The fishery for scup with special reference to fluctuations in yield and their causes
William C. Neville and Gerald B. Talbot
Natural variation in spotting, hyoid teeth counts, and coloration of Yellowstone cutthroat trout, Salmo clarki lewisi Girard
Ross V. Bulkley
Winter- run chinook salmon in the Sacramento River, California, with notes on water temperature requirements at spawning
Daniel W. Slater
Mycobacteria in adult salmonid fishes returning to national fish hatcheries in Washington, Oregon, and California in 1958-59
A. John Ross
Exploratory fishing for Maine herring
Keith A. Smith
Fish schools and bird flocks in the central Pacific Ocean, 1950-1961
Kenneth D. Waldron
Stream catalog of southeastern Alaska Regulatory Districts Nos. 3 and 4
edited by Russell F. Orrell, Carl Rosier, and Lyle R. Simpson
Ecology of the Gulf of Mexico commercial sponges and its relation to the fishery,
John F. Storr
Annual fish passage report Rock Island Dam, Columbia River, Washington, 1962
Paul D. Zimmer and John H. Broughton
Statistical records and computations on red salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) runs in the Nushagak District, Bristol Bay, Alaska, 1946-59
Ole A. Mathisen, Robert L. Burgner, and Ted S. Y. Koo
Success of pink salmon spawning relative to size of spawning bed materials
William J. McNeil and Warren H. Ahnell
The segregation of red salmon in the escapements to the Kvichak River system, Alaska
Howard Donald Smith
Acute oral toxicity of 1,496 chemicals force-fed to carp
Howard A. Loeb and William H. Kelly
Use of plant extracts in serological studies of fish
Fred M. Utter, George J. Ridgway, and Harold O. Hodgins
Economic survey of the U.S. fisheries in the Passamaquoddy region, 1956-57
Giulio Pontecorvo and Leslie W. Scattergood
Publications on fish parasites and diseases, 330 B.C. - A.D. 1923
E. A. McGregor
Pelagic fur seal investigations, Alaska waters, 1962
Clifford H. Fiscus, Gary A. Baines, and Ford Wilke
Herring fishery of the U.S. Passamaquoddy region
Leslie W. Scattergood and Lewis J. Lozier
North Pacific oceanography, February-April 1962
Felix Favorite, Betty-Ann Morse, Alan H. Haselwood, and Robert A. Preston, Jr.
Age and size composition of the menhaden catch along the Atlantic Coast of the United States, 1959, with a brief review of the commercial fishery
William R. Nicholson and Joseph R. Higham, Jr.
Age and size composition of the 1960 menhaden catch along the U.S. Atlantic Coast, with a brief review of the commercial fishery
William R. Nicholson and Joseph R. Higham, Jr.
Further studies of protein and calorie levels of meat-meal, vitamin supplemented salmon diets
Laurie G. Fowler, J. Howard McCormick, Jr., and Allan E. Thomas
Air and water temperatures and stream flow data from Convict Creek, Mono County, California, 1950 to 1962
Harry D. Kennedy
Fish population studies, Lewis and Clark Lake, Missouri River, 1956 to 1962
Charles H. Walburg
Intertidal ecology and life history of pink salmon at Olsen Creek, Prince William Sound, Alaska
John H. Helle, Richard S. Williamson, and Jack E. Bailey
Field techniques for staining recapture experiments with commercial shrimp
T. J. Costello
Disappearance of dead pink salmon eggs and larvae from Sashin Creek, Baranof Island, Alaska
William J. McNeil, Ralph A. Wells, and David C. Brickell
Salmon tagging experiments along the south shore of Unimak Island and the southwestern shore of the Alaska Peninsula
Fredrik V. Thorsteinson and Theodore R. Merrell, Jr.
Distribution and seasonal occurrence on Gymnodinium breve on the west coast of Florida, 1954- 57
John H. Finucane
Spawning ground catalog of the Kvichak River system, Bristol Bay, Alaska
Robert L. Demory, Russell F. Orrell, and Donald R. Heinle
Pelagic fur seal investigations, Alaska, 1963
Clifford H. Fiscus, Gary A. Baines, and Hiroshi Kajimura
A remote controlled underwater photographic surveillance system
Paul J. Kruse, Jr.
Monthly sea-surface temperature anomaly graphs for Atlantic Coast stations
Franklin Stearns
Releases and recoveries of drift bottles and cards in the central Pacific
Richard A. Barkley, Bernard M. Ito, and Robert P. Brown.
Stream catalog of the Wood River Lake system, Bristol Bay, Alaska
compiled by Richard A. Marriott, with additions and revisions by Nevin Aspinwall, Ted S. Y. Koo, and Robert L. Burgner
History of oceanography in the off shore waters of the Gulf of Maine
John B. Colton, Jr.
Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Symposium on Red Tide
James E. Sykes
. Pelagic fur seal investigations, 1964
Clifford H. Fiscus and Hiroshi Kajimura.
Stream catalog of southeastern Alaska regulatory districts nos. 5, 6, 7, and 8
Carl Rosier, Norm Johnston, and Russel F. Orrell
Stream catalog of southeastern Alaska regulatory district no. 9
edited by Norman Johnston
Comparative study of juvenile American shad populations by fin ray and scute counts
Paul R. Nichols
Synopsis on the biology of the jack mackerel (Trachurus symmetricus)
John S. MacGregor
Age and size composition of the menhaden catch along the Atlantic coast of the United States, 1962 with a brief review of the commercial fishery
William R. Nicholson and Joseph R. Higham, Jr.
U.S. Federal research on fisheries and limnology in the Great Lakes through 1964; An annotated bibliography
Ralph Hile
The Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Type IV electrofishing shocker-Its characteristics and operation
Benjamin G. Patten and Charles C. Gillaspie.
Seasonal and areal distribution of zooplankton in coastal waters of the Gulf of Maine, 1964
Kenneth Sherman
Length-weight relation of the summer flounder Paralichthys dentatus (Linnaeus)
Fred E. Lux and L. R. Porter, Jr.
Growth and survival of sockeye salmon introduced into Ruth Lake after removal of resident fish populations
William R. Meehan
Annual fish passage report-Rock Island Dam Columbia River, Washington, 1965
Paul D. Zimmer and John H. Broughton
Distribution and abundance of sardine and anchovy larvae in the California Current region off California and Baja California, 1951-64
Elbert H. Ahlstrom
Red-tide research summarized to 1964 including an annotated bibliography
George A. Rounsefell and Walter R. Nelson
Fur seal investigations, Pribilof Islands, Alaska, 1965
Alton Y. Roppel, Ancel M. Johnson, Raymond E. Anas, and Douglas G. Chapman
Pelagic fur seal investigations, 1965
Clifford H. Fiscus and Hiroshi Kajimura
Distribution of spawning pink salmon in Sashin Creek, southeastern Alaska, and survival of their progeny
William J. McNeil
Tagging summary of American shad, Alosa sapidissima (Wilson) and striped bass, Roccus saxatilis (Walbaum), Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Biological Laboratory, Beaufort, N.C., 1950-65
Paul R. Nichols and Randall P. Cheek
Biological oceanography of the eastern tropical Pacific: Summary of existing information
Maurice Blackburn
Distribution and occurrence of Gymnodinium breve on the west coast of Florida, 1964-65
Alexander Dragovich and John A. Kelly, Jr.
Some effects of DDT on the ecology of salmon streams in southeastern Alaska
Roger J. Reed
Inventory of U.S. exploratory longline fishing effort and catch rates for tunas and swordfish in the Northwestern Atlantic, 1957-65
Peter C. Wilson and Martin R. Bartlett
Abundance and distribution of zooplankton in Hawaiian waters, 1955-56
Eugene L. Nakamura
Evaluation of a pump and reeled hose system for studying the vertical distribution of small plankton
Roderick Leong
Longline fishing for deep-swimming tunas in the Marquesas Islands and adjacent areas
Howard O. Yoshida
Response of migrating adult salmonids to vertical and horizontal rectangular orifices at two depths
Clark S. Thompson, William Spencer Davis, and Emil Slatick
Expendable bathythermograph data on subsurface thermal structure in the eastern North Pacific Ocean
J. F. T. Saur and Dorothy D. Stewart.
Atlas of July oceanographic conditions in the Northeast Pacific Ocean, 1961-64
R. W. Owen, . Jr.
Biology and management of the American shad and status of the fisheries, Atlantic coast of the United States, 1960
Charles H. Walburg and Paul R. Nichols
Preliminary report on the feeding habits of tunas in the Gulf of Guinea
Paul N. Sund and William J. Richards
The Trade Wind Zone Oceanography Pilot Study Part I: Townsend Cromwell cruises I, 2, and 3 February to April 1964,
Robert L. Charnell, David W. K. Au, and Gunter R. Seckel.
The Trade Wind Zone Oceanography Pilot Study Part II: Townsend Cromwell cruises 4, 5, and 6 May to July 1964
Robert L. Charnell, David W. K. Au, and Gunter R. Seckel.
The Trade Wind Zone Oceanography Pilot Study Part III: Townsend Cromwell cruises 8, 9, and 10 September to November 1964
Robert L. Charnell, David W. K. Au, and Gunter R. Seckel
The Trade Wind Zone Oceanography Pilot Study Part IV: Townsend Cromwell cruises 11, 12, and 13 December 1964 to February 1965
Robert L Charnell, David W. K. Au, and Gunter R. Seckel.
The Trade Wind Zone Oceanography Pilot Study Part V: Townsend Cromwell cruises 14 and 15 March and April 1965
Robert L. Charnell, David W. K. Au, and Gunter R. Seckel
The Trade Wind Zone Oceanography Pilot Study Part VI: Townsend Cromwell cruises 16, 17, and 21 May and June 1965 and January 1966
Robert L. Charnell, David W. K. Au, and Gunter R. Seckel.
Geographical index to collecting stations of the exploratory fishing vessels Oregon, Silver Bay, Combat, and Pelican 1950-65
Frederick H. Berry and Shelby Drummond.
Water quality of streams tributary to Lakes Superior and Michigan
Jerome W. Zimmerman
Surface-to-bottom pot fishing for pandalid shrimp
Louis Barr and Roland McBride
Diel and seasonal occurrence of pink shrimp, Penaeus duorarum Burkenroad, in two divergent habitats of Tampa Bay, Florida
Carl H. Saloman.
Seasonal and areal distribution of zooplankton in coastal waters of the Gulf of Maine, 1965 and 1966
Kenneth Sherman
Bibliography of oyster parasites and diseases,
Carl J. Sindermann
Description and evaluation of methods for determining incident solar radiation, submarine daylight, chlorophyll a, and primary production-Used by Scripps Tuna Oceanography Research Program in the eastern tropical Pacific
Robert W. Holmes.
Passage conditions and counts of fish at the Snake Island fishway, Little Falls Dam, Potomic River, Md., 1960-63
Paul R. Nichols
Horizontal and vertical distribution of juvenile salmonids in upper Mayfield Reservoir, Washington
Jim Ross Smith, John R. Pugh, and Gerald E. Monan
Setting and first season survival of the American oyster, Crassostrea virginica, near Oxford, Maryland, 1961-62
J. R. Webster and W. N. Shaw
The Japanese Atlantic longline fishery, 1964, and the status of the yellowfin tuna stocks
John P. Wise
Oyster mortalities, with particular reference to Chesapeake Bay and the Atlantic coast, of North America
Carl J. Sindermann
Fishes taken during shrimp trawling along the south Atlantic coast of the United States, 1931-35
William W. Anderson
Spawning areas and abundance of chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) in the Columbia River Basin-past and present
Leonard A. Fulton
Effects of lamprey larvicides on invertebrates in streams
Richard L. Torblaa
Physical, chemical, and biological oceanography of the entrance to the Gulf of California, spring of 1960
Raymond C. Griffiths
Some operational aspects of the Hawaiian livebait fishery for skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis)
Vernon E. Brock and Richard N. Uchida
Length relations of some marine fishes from coastal Georgia
Sherrell C. Jorgenson and Grant L. Miller
Oceanographic surveys of Traitors Cove, Revillagigedo Island, Alaska
Douglas R. McLain
Relation of scale characteristics to river of origin in four stocks of chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) in Alaska
Richard G. Rowland
Hydrological conditions in Clear Lake, Texas, 1958-66
Edward J. Pullen
A list of the marine mammals of the world
Dale W. Rice and Victor B. Scheffer
Maturity and spawning of skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) in the Atlantic Ocean, with comments on nematode infestation of the ovaries
David C. Simmons
Zooplankton volume off the Pacific coast, 1960
James R. Thrailkill.
The Japanese Atlantic longline fishery, 1965, and the status of the yellowfin tuna and albacore stocks
John P. Wise and William W. Fox, Jr.
Electrical installation for control of the northern squawfish
Galen H. Maxfield, Gerald E. Monan, and Holbrook L. Garrett
Fur seal investigations, 1966
by BCF, Marine Mammal Biological Laboratory
Length-weight relation and conversion of "whole" and "headless" weights of royal-red shrimp, Hymenopenaeus robustus (Smith)
Edward F. Klima.
The Trade Wind Zone Oceanography Pilot Study Part VII: Observations of sea birds March 1964 to June 1965
Warren B. King
Transplanting adult pink salmon to Sashin Creek, Baranof Island, Alaska, and survival of their progeny
William J. McNeil, Stephen C. Smedley, and Robert J. Ellis
Processing of digital data logger STD tapes at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography and the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries, La Jolla, California
James H. Jones
Return and behavior of adults of the first filial generation of transplanted pink salmon, and survival of their progeny, Sashin Creek, Baranof Island, Alaska
Robert J. Ellis
A bibliography of the lobsters, Genus Homarus
R. D. Lewis.
Passage of adult salmon and trout through pipes
Emil Slatick
Review of studies of tuna food in the Atlantic Ocean
Alexander Dragovich
Seasonal and areal distribution of zooplankton in coastal waters of the Gulf of Maine, 1967 and 1968
Kenneth Sherman
Size, seasonal abundance, and length-weight relation of some scombrid fishes from southeast Florida
Grant L. Beardsley, Jr. and William J. Richards
Fecundity, multiple spawnings, and description of the gonads in Sebastodes
John S. MacGregor
Fur seal investigations, 1967
Marine Mammal Biological Laboratory
Size composition, sex ratio, and size at maturity of offshore northern lobsters
Bernard E. Skud and Herbert C. Perkins
Diagnostic characters of juveniles of the shrimps Penaeus aztecus aztecus, P. duorarum duomrum, and P. brasiliensis (Crustacea, Decapoda, Penaeidae)
Isabel Perez Farfante
Birectilinear recruitment curves to assess influence of lake size on survival of sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) to Bristol Bay and forecast runs
Ralph P. Silliman
Effect of flow on performance and behavior of chinook salmon in fishways
Clark S. Thompson
Biological characteristics of intertidal and freshwater spawning pink salmon at Olsen Creek, Prince William Sound, Alaska, 1962-63
John H. Helle.
Distribution and abundance of fish in the Yakima River, Wash., April 1957 to May 1958
Benjamin G. Patten, Richard B. Thompson, and William D. Gronlund
The flora and fauna of a basin in central Florida Bay
J. Harold Hudson, Donald M. Allen, and T. J. Costello
Contributions to the life histories of several penaeid shrimps (Penaeidae) along the south Atlantic coast of the United States
William W. Anderson
Annotated references on the Pacific saury, Cololabis saira
Steven E. Hughes
Studies on continuous transmission frequency modulated sonar
Frank J. Hester (editor)
Acoustic target strength of several species of fish
H. W. Volberg
Sonar target classification experiments with a continuous-transmission doppler sonar
Frank J. Hester
Traveling screens for collection of juvenile salmon (models I and II)
Daniel W. Bates and John G. Vanderwalker
Preliminary designs of traveling screens to collect juvenile fish
Design and operation of a cantilevered traveling fish screen (model V)
Daniel W. Bates, Ernest W. Murphey, and Earl F. Prentice
Annotated bibliography of zooplankton sampling devices
Jack W. Jossi
Limnological study of lower Columbia River, 1967-68
Shirley M. Clark and George R. Snyder
Laboratory tests of an electrical barrier for controlling predation by northern squawfish
Galen H. Maxfield, Robert H. Lander, and Charles D. Volz.
The Trade Wind Zone Oceanography Pilot Study. Part VIII: Sea-level meteorological properties and heat exchange processes, July 1963 to June 1965
Gunter R. Seckel
Sea-bottom photographs and macrobenthos collections from the Continental Shelf off Massachusetts
Roland L. Wigley and Roger B. Theroux
A sled-mounted suction sampler for benthic organisms
Donald M. Allen and J. Harold Hudson.
Distribution of fishing effort and catches of skipjack tuna, Katsuwonus pelamis, in Hawaiian waters, by quarters of the year, 1948-65
Richard N. Uchida
Effect of quality of the spawning bed on growth and development of pink salmon embryos and alevins
Ralph A. Wells and William J. McNeil
Fur seal investigations, 1968
NMFS, Marine Mammal Biological Laboratory
Spawning areas and abundance of steelhead trout and coho, sockeye, and chum salmon in the Columbia River Basin-past and present,
Leonard A. Fulton
Macrozooplankton and small nekton in the coastal waters off Vancouver Island (Canada) and Washington, spring and fall of 1963
Donald S. Day.
The Trade Wind Zone Oceanography Pilot Study. Part IX: The sea-level wind field and wind stress values, July 1963 to June 1965
Gunter R. Seckel
Predation by sculpins on fall chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, fry of hatchery origin
Benjamin G. Patten
Numbers and lengths, by season, of fishes caught with an otter trawl near Woods Hole, Massachusetts, September 1961 to December 1962
F. E. Lux and F. E. Nichy
Apparent abundance, distribution, and migrations of albacore, Thunnus alalunga, on the North Pacific longline ground
Brian J. Rothschild and Marian Y. Y. Yong
Influence of mechanical processing on the quality and yield of bay scallop meats
N. B. Webb and F. B. Thomas
Distribution of salmon and related oceanographic features in the North Pacific Ocean, spring 1968
Robert R. French, Richard G. Bakkala, Masanao Osako
Commercial fishery and biology of the fresh-water shrimp, Macrobrachium, in the lower St. Paul River, Liberia, 1952-53
George C. Miller
Calico scallops of the southeastern United States, 1959-69
Robert Cummins, Jr.
Fur seal investigations, 1969
by NMFS, Marine Mammal Biological Laboratory
Analysis of the operations of seven Hawaiian skipjack tuna fishing vessels, June-August 1967
Richard N. Uchida and Ray F. Sumida
Blue crab meat II. Effect of chemical treatments on acceptability
Jurgen H. Strasser, Jean S. Lennon, and Frederick J. King.
Blue crab meat I. Preservation by freezing
Jurgen H. Strasser, Jean S. Lennon, and Frederick J. King
Occurrence of thiaminase in some common aquatic animals of the United States and Canada
R. A. Greig and R. H. Gnaedinger
An annotated bibliography of attempts to rear the larvae of marine fishes in the laboratory
Robert C. May
Blueing of processed crab meat. II. Identification of some factors involved in the blue discoloration of canned crab meat (Callinectes sapidus)
Melvin E. Waters
Age composition, weight, length, and sex of herring, Clupea pallasii, used for reduction in Alaska, 1929-66
Gerald M. Reid
A bibliography of the blackfin tuna, Thunnus atlanticus (Lesson)
Grant L. Beardsley and David C. Simmons
Oil pollution on Wake Island from the tanker R. C. Stoner
Reginald M. Gooding
Occurrence of larval, juvenile, and mature crabs in the vicinity of Beaufort Inlet, North Carolina
Donnie L. Dudley and Mayo H. Judy
Length-weight relations of haddock from commercial landings in New England, 1931-55
Bradford E. Brown and Richard C. Hennemuth
A hydrographic survey of the Galveston Bay system, Texas, 1963-66
E. J. Pullen, W. L. Trent, and G. B. Adams
Annotated bibliography on the fishing industry and biology of the blue crab, Callinectes sapidus
Marlin E. Tagatz and Ann Bowman Hall
Use of threadfin shad, Dorosoma petenense, as live bait during experimental pole-and-line fishing for skipjack tuna, Katsuwonus pelamis, in Hawaii
Robert T. B. Iversen
Atlantic menhaden (Brevoortia tyrannus) resource and fishery-analysis of decline
Kenneth A. Henry
Surface winds of the southeastern tropical Atlantic Ocean
John M. Steigner and Merton C. Ingham
Inhibition of flesh browning and skin color fading in frozen fillets of yelloweye snapper (Lutjanus uiuanus)
Harold C. Thompson, Jr. and Mary H. Thompson
Traveling screen for removal of debris from rivers
Daniel W. Bates, Ernest W. Murphey, and Martin G. Beam
Dissolved nitrogen concentrations in the Columbia and Snake Rivers in 1970 and their effect on chinook salmon and steelhead trout
Wesley J. Ebel
Revised annotated list of parasites from sea mammals caught off the west coast of North America
L. Margolis and M. D. Dailey
Weight loss of pond-raised channel catfish (lctalurus punctatus) during holding in processing plant vats
Donald C. Greenland and Robert L. Gill
Effects of some antioxidants and EDTA on the development of rancidity in Spanish mackerel (Scomberomorus maculatus) during frozen storage
Robert N. Farragut
The effect of premortem stress, holding temperatures, and freezing on the biochemistry and quality of skipjack tuna
Ladell Crawford.
Indexed bibliography of the eggs and young of tunas and other scombrids (Pisces, Scombridae), 1880-1970
William J. Richards and Witold I. Klawe
The use of electricity in conjunction with a 12.5 meter (headrope) Gulf-of-Mexico shrimp trawl in Lake Michigan
James E. Ellis
An electronic detector system for recovering internally tagged menhaden, genus Brevoortia
R. O. Parker, Jr.
Immobilization of fingerling salmon and trout by decompression
Doyle F. Sutherland
The calico scallop, Argopecten gibbus
Donald M. Allen and T. J. Costello
Making fish protein concentrates by enzymatic hydrolysis. A status report on research and some processes and products studied by NMFS
Malcolm B. Hale
List of fishes of Alaska and adjacent waters with a guide to some of their literature
Jay C. Quast and Elizabeth I. Hall
The Southeast Fisheries Center bionumeric code. Part I: Fishes
Harvey R. Bullis, Jr., Richard B. 78 Roe, and Judith C. Gatlin
A freshwater fish electro-motivator (FFEM)-its characteristics and operation
James E. Ellis and Charles C. Hoopes
A review of the literature on the development of skipjack tuna fisheries in the central and western Pacific Ocean
Frank J. Hester and Tamio 0tsu
Seasonal distribution of tunas and billfishes in the Atlantic
John P. Wise and Charles W. Davis
Fish larvae collected from the northeastern Pacific Ocean and Puget Sound during April and May 1967
Kenneth D. Waldron
Tagging and tag-recovery experiments with Atlantic menhaden, Brevoortia tyrannus
Richard L. Kroger and Robert I. Dryfoos
Larval fish survey of Humboldt Bay, California,
Maxwell B. Eldridge and Charles F. Bryan
Distribution and relative abundance of fishes in Newport River, North Carolina
William R. Turner and George N. Johnson
An analysis of the commercial lobster (Homarus americanus) fishery along the coast of Maine, August 1966 through December 1970
James C.Thomas
An annotated bibliography of the cunner, Tautogolabrus adspersus (Walbaum)
Fredric M. Serchuk and David W. Frame
Subpoint prediction for direct readout meteorological satellites
I. E. Eber
Unharvested fishes in the U.S. commercial fishery of western Lake Erie in 1969
Harry D. Van Meter
Coastal upwelling indices, west coast of North America, 1946-71
Andrew Bakun
Seasonal occurrence of young Gulf menhaden and other fishes in a northwestern Florida estuary
Marlin E. Tagatz and E. Peter H. Wilkens
Abundance and distribution of inshore benthic fauna off southwestern Long Island, N.Y.
Frank W. Steimle, Jr. and Richard B. Stone
Lake Erie bottom trawl explorations, 1962-66
Edgar W. Bowman
Proceedings of the International Billfish Symposium Kailua-Kona, Hawaii, 9-12 August 1972
Richard S. Shomura and Francis Williams (Editors)
Part 2. Review and contributed papers
Part 1. Report of the Symposium
Part 3. Species synopses
Price spreads and cost analyses for finfish and shellfish products at different marketing levels
Erwin S. Penn
Abundance of benthic macroinvertebrates in natural and altered estuarine areas
Gil Gilmore and Lee Trent
Distribution, abundance, and growth of juvenile sockeye salmon, Oncorhynchus nerka, and associated species in the Naknek River system, 1961-64
Robert J. Ellis
Kinds and abundance of zooplankton collected by the USCG icebreaker Glacier in the eastern Chukchi Sea, September-October 1970
Bruce L. Wing
Pelagic amphipod crustaceans from the southeastern Bering Sea, June 1971
Gerald A. Sanger
Physiological response of the cunner, Tautogolabrus adspersus, to cadmium
681. II. Uptake of cadmium by organs and tissues
Richard A. Greig, Albert E. Adams, and Betty A. Nelson
681. IV. Effects on the immune system
Richard A. Robohm and Maureen F. Nitkowski
681. VI. Histopathology
Martin W. Newman and Sharon A. MacLean
681.1 Introduction and experimental design
Anthony Calabrese, Ries S. Collier, and James E. Miller
681. III. Changes in osmoregulation and oxygen consumption
Frederick P. Thurberg and Margaret A. Dawson
681. V. Observations on the biochemistry
Edith Gould and John J. Karolus
Heat exchange between ocean and atmosphere in the eastern North Pacific for 1961-71
N. E. Clark, L. Eber, R. M. Laurs, J. A. Renner, and J. F. T. Sauro
Bioeconomic relationships for the Maine lobster fishery with consideration of alternative management schemes
Robert L. Dow, Frederick W. Bell, and Donald M. Harriman
Age and size composition of the Atlantic menhaden, Brevoortia tyrannus, purse seine catch, 1963-71, with a brief discussion of the fishery
William R. Nicholson
An annotated list of larval and juvenile fishes captured with surface-towed meter net in the South Atlantic bight during four RV Dolphin cruises between May 1967 and February 1968
Michael P. Fahay
Pink salmon, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, tagging experiments in southeastern Alaska, 1938-42 and 1945
Roy E. Nakatani, Gerald J. Paulik, and Richard Van Cleve
Annotated bibliography on the biology of the menhadens, genus Brevoortia, 1963-1973
John W. Reintjes and Peggy M. Keney
Effect of gas supersaturated Columbia River water on the survival of juvenile chinook and coho salmon
Theodore H. Blahm, Robert J. McConnell, and George R. Snyder
Ocean distribution of stocks of Pacific salmon, Oncorhynchus spp., and steelhead trout, Salmo gairdnerii, as shown by tagging experiments. Charts of tag recoveries by Canada, Japan, and the United States, 1956-69
Robert R. French, Richard G. Bakkala, and Doyle F. Sutherland
Migratory routes of adult sockeye salmon, Oncorhynchus nerka, in the eastern Bering Sea and Bristol Bay
Richard R. Straty
Seasonal distributions of larval flatfishes (Pleuronectiformes) on the continental shelf between Cape Cod, Massachusetts, and Cape Lookout, North Carolina, 1965-66
W. G. Smith, J. D. Sibunka, and A. Wells
Expendable bathythermograph observations from the NMFS/MARAD Ship of Opportunity Program for 1972
Steven K. Cook
Daily and weekly upwelling indices, west coast of North America, 1967-73
Andrew Bakun
Semiclosed seawater system with automatic salinity, temperature, and turbidity control,
Sid Korn
Distribution, relative abundance, and movement of skipjack tuna, Katsuwonus pelamis, in the Pacific Ocean based on Japanese tuna long-line catches, 1964-67
Walter M. Matsumoto
Large-scale air-sea interactions at Ocean Weather Station V, 1951-71
David M. Husby and Gunter R. Seckel
Fish and hydrographic collections made by the research vessels Dolphin and Delaware II during 1968-72 from New York to Florida,
S. J. Wilk and M. J. Silverman
Summer benthic fish fauna of Sandy Hook Bay, New Jersey
Stuart J. Wilk and Myron J. Silverman
Seasonal surface currents off the coasts of Vancouver Island and Washington as shown by drift bottle experiments, 1964-65
W. James Ingraham, Jr. and James R. Hastings
Expendable bathythermograph observations from the NMFS/MARAD Ship of Opportunity Program for 1973
Steven K. Cook
Seasonal abundance and distribution of zooplankton, fish eggs, and fish larvae in the eastern Gulf of Mexico, 1972-74
Edward D. Houde and Nicholas Chitty
Length composition of yellowfin, skipjack, and bigeye tunas caught in the eastern tropical Atlantic by American purse seiner
Gary T. Sakagawa, Atilio L. Coan, and Eugene P. Holzapfel
Aquacultural economics bibliography
John Vondruska
The macrofauna of the surf zone off Folly Beach, South Carolina,
William D. Anderson, Jr., James K. Dias, Robert K. Dias, David M. Cupka, and Norman A. Chamberlain.
Migration and dispersion of tagged American lobsters, Homarus americanus, on the southern New England continental shelf,
Joseph R. Uzmann, Richard A. Cooper, and Kenneth J. Pecci
Food of western North Atlantic tunas (Thunnus) and lancetfishes (Alepisaurus)
Frances D. Matthews, David M. Damkaer, Leslie W. Knapp, and Bruce B. Collette
Monthly temperature and salinity measurements of continental shelf waters of the northwestern Gulf of Mexico, 1963-65
Robert F. Temple, David L. Harrington, and John A. Martin
Catch and catch rates of fishes caught by anglers in the St. Andrew Bay system, Florida, and adjacent coastal waters, 1973
Doyle F. Sutherland.
Expendable bathythermograph observations from the NMFS/MARAD Ship of Opportunity Program for 1974
Steven K. Cook and Keith A. Hausknechl
Midwater invertebrates from the southeastern Chukchi Sea: Species and abundance in catches incidental to midwater trawling survey of fishes, September-October 1970
Bruce L. Wing and Nancy Barr
A list of the marine mammals of the world
Dale W. Rice
Annual physical and chemical oceanographic cycles of Auke Bay, southeastern Alaska
Herbert E. Bruce, Douglas R. McLain, and Bruce L. Wing
Current patterns and distribution of river waters in inner Bristol Bay, Alaska
Richard R. Straty
Wind stress and wind stress curl over the California Current
Craig S. Nelson
Bottom obstructions in the southwestern North Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico, and Caribbean Sea
G. Michael Russell, Abraham J. Barrett, L. Steve Sarbeck, and John H. Wordlaw
Fishes and associated environmental data collected in New York Bight, June 1974-June 1975
Stuart J. Wilk, Wallace W. Morse, Daniel E. Ralph, and Thomas R. Azarovitz
Gulf of Maine-Georges Bank ichthyoplankton collected on ICNAF larval herring surveys September 1971-February 1975
John B. Colton, Jr. and Ruth R. Byron
Surface currents as determined by drift card releases over the continental shelf off central and southern California
James L. Squire, Jf.
Seasonal description of winds and surface and bottom salinities and temperatures in the northern Gulf of Mexico, October 1972 to January 1976
Perry A. Thompson, Jr. and Thomas D. Leming
Sea surface temperature distributions obtained off San Diego, California, using an airborne infrared radiometer
James L. Squire, Jr.
National Marine Fisheries Service survey of trace elements in the fishery resource
R. A. Hall, E. G. Zook, and G. M. Meaburn
Gulf menhaden, Brevoortia patronus, purse seine fishery: Catch, fishing activity, and age and size composition, 1964-73
William R. Nicholson
Ichthyoplankton composition and plankton volumes from inland coastal waters of southeastern Alaska, April-November 1972
Chester R. Mattson and Bruce L. Wing
Estimated average daily instantaneous numbers of recreational and commercial fishermen and boaters in the St. Andrew Bay system, Florida, and adjacent coastal waters, 1973
Doyle F. Sutherland
Seasonal bottom-water temperature trends in the Gulf of Maine and on Georges Bank, 1963-75
Clarence W. Davis
The Gulf of Maine temperature structure between Bar Harbor, Maine, and Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, June 1975-November 1976
Robert J. Pawlowski
Expendable bathythermograph observations from the NMFS/MARAD Ship of Opportunity Program for 1975
Steven K. Cook, Barclay P. Collins, and Christine S. Carty
Vertical sections of semimonthly mean temperature on the San Francisco-Honolulu route: From expendable bathythermograph observations, June 1966-December 1974
J. F. T. Saur, L. E. Eber, D. R. McLain, and C. E. Dorman
References for the identification of marine invertebrates on the southern Atlantic coast of the United States
Richard E. Dowds
Surface circulation in the northwestern Gulf of Mexico as deduced from drift bottles
Robert F. Temple and John A. Martin
Annotated bibliography and subject index on the shortnose sturgeon, Acipenser brevirostrum
James G. Hoff
Assessment of the northwest Atlantic mackerel, Scomber scombrus, stock
Emory D. Anderson
Possible management procedures for increasing production of sockeye salmon smolts in the Naknek River system, Bristol Bay, Alaska
Robert J. Ellis and William J. McNeil
Escape of king crab, Paralithodes camtschatica, from derelict pots
William L. High and Donald D. Worlund
History of the fishery and summary statistics of the sockeye salmon, Oncorhynchus nerka, runs to the Chignik Lakes, Alaska, 1888-1966
Michael L. Dahlberg
A historical and descriptive account of Pacific coast anadromous salmonid rearing facilities and a summary of their releases by region, 1960-76
Roy J. Wahle and Robert Z. Smith
Movements of pelagic dolphins (Stenella spp.) in the eastern tropical Pacific as indicated by results of tagging, with summary of tagging operations, 1969-76.
W. F. Perrin, W. E. Evans, and D. B. Holts
Environmental baselines in Long Island Sound, 1972-73
R. N. Reid, A. B. Frame, and A. F. Draxler
Bottom-water temperature trends in the Middle Atlantic Bight during spring and autumn, 1964-76
Clarence W. Davis
Food of fifteen northwest Atlantic gadiform fishes
Richard W. Langton and Ray E. Bowman
Distribution of gammaridean Amphipoda (Crustacea) in the Middle Atlantic Bight region
John J. Dickinson, Roland L. Wigley, Richard D. Brodeur, and Susan Brown-Leger
Water structure at Ocean Weather Station V, northwestern Pacific Ocean, 1966-71
D. M. Husby and G. R. Seckel.
Average density index for walleye pollock, Theragra chalcogramma, in the Bering Sea
Loh-Lee Low and Ikuo Ikeda
Tunas, oceanography and meteorology of the Pacific, an annotated bibliography, 1950-78
Paul N. Sund
Dorsal mantle length-total weight relationships of squids Loligo pealei and lllex illecebrosus from the Atlantic coast of the United States
Anne M. T. Lange and Karen L. Johnson
Distribution of Gammaridean Amphipoda (Crustacea) on Georges Bank
John J. Dickinson and Roland L. Wigley
Movement, growth, and mortality of American lobsters, Homarus americanus, tagged along the coast of Maine
Jay S. Krouse
Annotated bibliography of the conch genus Strombus (Gastropoda, Strombidae) in the western Atlantic Ocean
George H. Darcy
Food of eight Northwest Atlantic pleuronectiform fishes
Richard W. Langton and Ray E. Bowman
World literature to fish hybrids with an analysis by family, species, and hybrid: supplement 1
Frank J. Schwartz
The barge Ocean 250 gasoline spill
Carolyn A. Griswold (editor)
Movements of tagged summer flounder, Paralichthys dentatus, off southern New England
F. E. Lux and F. E. Nichy
Factors influencing ocean catches of salmon, Oncorhynchus spp., off Washington and Vancouver Island
R. A. Low, Jr. and S. B. Mathews
Demersal fish resources of the eastern Bering Sea: spring 1976
Gary B. Smith and Richard G. Bakkala
Annotated bibliography and subject index on the summer flounder, Paralichthys dentatus
Paul G. Scarlett
Annotated bibliography of the hard clam (Mercenaria mercenaria)
J. L. McHugh, Marjorie W. Sumner, Paul J. Flagg, Douglas W. Lipton, and William J. Behrens
A profile of the fish and decapod crustacean community in a South Carolina estuarine system prior to flow alteration
Elizabeth Lewis Wenner, Malcolm H. Shealy, Jr., and Paul A. Sandifer
Equipment and techniques for handling northern fur seals
Roger L. Gentry and John R. Holt
Catch temperatures for some important marine species off California
James L. Squire, Jr.
Parasite-host records of Alaskan fishes
Adam Moles
Sea level variations at Monterey, California
Dale Emil Bretschneider and Douglas R. McLain
Abundance of pelagic resources off California, 1963-78, as measured by an airborne fish monitoring program
James L. Squire, Jr.
Climatology of surface heat fluxes over the California current region
Craig S. Nelson and David M. Husby
Demersal fishes and invertebrates trawled in the northeastern Chukchi and western Beaufort Seas, 1976-77
Kathryn J. Frost and Lloyd F. Lowry
Distribution and abundance of larvae of king crab, Paralithodes camtschatica, and pandalid shrimp in the Kachemak Bay area, Alaska, 1972 and 1976
Evan Haynes
An atlas of the distribution and abundance of dominant benthic invertebrates in the New York Bight apex with reviews of their life histories
Janice V. Caracciolo and Frank W. Steimle, Jr.
A commercial sampling program for sandworms, Nereis virens Sars, and bloodworms, Glycera dibranchiata Ehlers, harvested along the Maine coast
Edwin P. Creaser, Jr., David A. Clifford, Michael J. Hogan, and David B. Sampson
Distribution and abundance of East Coast bivalve mollusks based on specimens in the National Marine Fisheries Service Woods Hole Collection
Roger B. Theroux and Roland L. Wigley
Krill and its utilization: a review
John D. Kaylor and Robert J. Learson
Population characteristics of the American lobster, Homarus americanus, in eastern Long Island Sound, Connecticut
Milan Keser, Donald F. Landers, Jr., and Jeffrey D.Morris
Mesh size and the New England groundfishery-applications and implications
Ronald Joel Smolowitz
Results of a tagging program to determine migration rates and patterns for black marlin, Makaira indica, in the southwest Pacific Ocean
James L. Squire, Jr. and Daphne V. Nielsen
Food habits and trophic relationships of a community of fishes on the Outer Continental Shelf
George R. Sedberry
Distribution of eggs and larvae of Atlantic menhaden, Brevoortia tyrannus, along the Atlantic coast of the United States
Mayo H. Judy and Robert M. Lewis
Distribution and relative abundance of American lobster, Homarus americanus, larvae: New England investigations during 1974-79
Michael J. Fogarty (editor)
Kinds and abundances of fish larvae in the Caribbean Sea and adjacent areas
William J. Richards
A checklist of parasites of California, Oregon, and Washington marine and estuarine fishes
Milton S. Love and Mike Moser
Bowhead and white whale migration, distribution, and abundance in the Bering, Chukchi, and Beaufort Seas, 1975-78
Howard W. Braham, Bruce D. Krogman, and Geoffrey M. Carroll
Opportunistic feeding of the northern fur seal, Callorhinus ursinus, in the eastern North Pacific Ocean and eastern Bering Sea
Hiroshi Kajimura
History of scientific study and management of the Alaskan fur seal, Callorhinus ursinus, 1786-1964
Victor B. Scheffer, Clifford H. Fiscus, and Ethel I. Todd
An annotated checklist of the fishes of Samoa
Richard C. Wass
A five-year study of seasonal distribution and abundance of fishes and decapod crustaceans in the Cooper River and Charleston Harbor, S.C., prior to diversion.
E. L. Wenner, W. P. Coon III, M. H. Shealy, Jr., and P. A. Sandifer
Biomass and density of macrobenthic invertebrates on the U. S. Continental Shelf off Martha's Vineyard, Mass., in relation to environmental factors,
Don Maurer and Roland L. Wigley
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